Thursday, January 4, 2018, 9:01:24 PM, Woonsan Ko wrote:

>> Maybe, instead of
>> SomeSuperTemplateDirectiveModel.NAMED_ARGS_ENTRY_LIST, your could
>> just expose ARGS_LAYOUT, and get the highest named argument index
>> from that. Then NAMED_ARGS_ENTRY_LIST need not exist at all
>> (especially as a List instead of as an array), unless I miss
>> something there.
> I change the list to array and mark it as private, exposing
> ARGS_LAYOUT only, as you suggested. Now, it's cleaner.
> As the Entry array of parent directive class needs to be prepended to
> the predefinedNamedArgumentsMap (StringToIndexMap) in the child, I
> added StringToIndexMap#getInputEntries(). Hope it should be fine.

I believe the concatenated Entry[] array shouldn't be constructed in
the custom directive (with _ArrayUtils.addAll and getInputEntries())
on the first place. Such low level things could be pushed on
StringToIndexMap. StringToIndexMap could have a constructor method
like `of(StringToIndexMap inherited, Entry... additionalEntries)`.
This constructs a concatenated Entry[] internally (see
StringToIndexMap.checkIndexRange to see how to traverse all inherited
entries efficiently), and calls `of(Entry... entries)` with it. Now
the need for `inputEntries` is gone as well. In the custom directive
you just call this new overload of `StringToIndexMap.of`, instead of
the usual `StringToIndexMap.of`. So it looks almost the same as when
there's no named parameter inheritance.

Also, I think NAMED_ARGS_ENTRIES can be removed; you can just call
`StringToIndexMap.of` directly in the ArgumentArrayLayout.create

I wonder if you should just move getLastPredefinedNamedArgumentIndex()
into ArgumentArrayLayout. Or if not, into CallableUtils at least. The
problem is not specific to Spring after all.

>>> - spring:* tags are mapped to "spring.*" models, whereas form:* tags
>>> are mapped to "spring.form.*" models. I didn't want to expose "form"
>>> model separately in a higher level. I found out it's convenient to
>>> write <#assign form=spring.form /> in order to use <@form.input .../>
>>> instead of <@spring.form.input .../>.
>> While that's the theoretically correct way, I think people will either
>> end up starting the templates with <#assign form=spring.form />, or
>> dislike FreeMarker for forcing them to write "spring.form" again and
>> again. Then it's better just to expose "form" directly.
> Makes sense. I updated that.
>>> - The other (remaining) tasks seem to be relatively more
>>> straightforward: other inputs, button, textarea, select, etc.
>> Something I have noticed that the Spring JSP taglib uses
>> all-lower-case convention for attributes, like "onselect" instead of
>> "onSelect". That's alien from FreeMarker 3, and from modern Java and
>> JavaScript conventions too. So it might be worth it to change that.
>> Then we should make error message generation more intelligent in
>> freemarker-core, so that it tells you the correct parameter name
>> automatically if only the case differs.
> I guess Spring decided to use the same default HTML attribute names,
> with an exception for non-HTML attributes such as "cssErrorClass" or
> conflicting names such as "cssClass".
> -

You are right. Let's leave it that way then.

> This principle seems fine to me, and I guess Spring MVC devs might
> prefer the original style for html attributes.
>>> I'll probably merge the PR by myself in a day or two and continue with
>>> other directives while being willing to hear any feedback and
>>> suggestions.
>> BTW, especially in this part where you are the main author, I surely
>> don't expect you to "stage" a change before merging, so just go ahead
>> whenever you feel like it. (The added delay just increase the chance
>> of conflicts.)
> OK.
> Thanks again,

Thank you!

> Woonsan
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Woonsan
>> --
>> Thanks,
>>  Daniel Dekany

 Daniel Dekany

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