Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 3:59:22 AM, Woonsan Ko wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 3, 2018 at 11:22 AM, Daniel Dekany <ddek...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Below I propose a solution for the basic treatment of null VS
>> "missing" in FM3. Please tell me what you think!
>> The way FM2 deals with null-s has quite severe limitations (and
>> glitches). The root of the problems is that null and missing is the
>> same for the template language. It's not aware of the concept of null;
>> for example a variable has either non-null value, or the variable is
>> considered to be nonexistent. So <#assign x = obj.m()> fails when
>> obj.m() returns null, for the same reason <#assign x = noSuchVariable>
>> does. (Note that even if we store null into x on the implementation
>> level, reading x will fall back to higher scopes to find an x there,
>> instead of returning null.) Another problem is with
>> macro/function/method arguments; f(noSuchVariable) will not fail if f
>> provides a default for the parameter (as in <#function f(x=0)>), on
>> the basis that noSuchVariable is missing, so the parameter was
>> practically omitted. Not good, as thus we have suppressed an error
>> that tells us that there's no noSuchVariable. Also, if in f you want
>> to call a obj.javaMethod(x), where x is the parameter of f, and you
>> want to allow x to be null, because obj.javaMethod(x) allows that, you
>> can't. Because, if you don't provide a default, f(m.willReturnNull())
>> will be an error for using a null/missing value for a required
>> parameter, and if you do provide a default, then since null is not a
>> thing in the template language, you can't specify null as the default
>> value of the parameter.
>> So, here's my plan for FM3.
>> The template language will know null, and it's different that from
>> "missing". I think so far everyone who has used FM2 heavily will
>> agree.
>> On the API and implementation level we will have a singleton,
>> TemplateNullModel.INSTANCE, that stands for things that do exist but
>> has null value, while a plain null value indicates that the thing is
>> missing. For example, Environment.getVariable(name),
>> TempateHashModel.get(key), and TemplateSequenceModel.get(index)
>> returns null if the subvariable is missing, and
>> TemplateNullModel.INSTANCE if it's present but stores a null value.
>> Also in TemplateDirectiveModel and TemplateFunctionModel the
>> `TemplateModel[] args` argument of execute(...) will contain null if
>> the argument was omitted on the caller side (like in f() the 1st
>> parameter is omitted), but TemplateNullModel.INSTANCE if it the
>> argument was present, but has null value on the template language
>> level (like in f(null) or f(obj.willReturnNull())).
>> The above can be confusing, as null on the template language level is
>> TemplateNullModel.INSTANCE on the API level, and null on the API level
>> is "missing" on the template language level... So when I write null,
>> pay attention to if it's null on the template language level, or null
>> on the API/implementation level.
> Could it be an option to use either TemplateModel.NULL_VALUE or
> TemplateModel.MISSING_VALUE, whether in Environment.getVariable(name)
> or in TemplateCallableModel#...)?
> It might be more readable if doable.
> I guess there should be quite a change even with
> TemplateNullModel.INSTANCE or null in CallableUtils.java (e.g,
> #getOptionalStringArgument(...)) as it should be determined how to
> handle null or missing value there.

While using TemplateModel.MISSING_VALUE in place of null indeed makes
the source code and some API-s easier to understand, it has some
performance implications, so I'm not sure if we want to pay that,
given that 99% of the users never call or implement API-s that are
affected by this decision. If you use null to indicate missing value,
then you can utilize that Java initializes arrays of reference types
with null-s. Like consider an argument list array for a callables. If
you use MISSING_VALUE, then for each invocation, you have to fill that
array with MISSING_VALUE in a loop (or need a logic that sets the
omitted parameters to MISSING_VALUE at least). That's after Java has
already, and unavoidably, has initialized the array with null-s for
you. (You had some directives with lot of optional parameters, so I
guess you feel the pain.) Also, Map.get naturally returns null for
missing items, so you don't have to add `if (v == null) v =
TemplateModel.MISSING_VALUE);` (or worse, actually add MISSING_VALUE-s
to a Map), which can come handy at some places. Also, `v == null` is,
maybe, some times, a tiny bit faster than `v ==
TemplateModel.MISSING_VALUE`, though surely it depends on JIT magic.

Another thing with TemplateModel.MISSING_VALUE is that it makes a
TemplateModel out of "missing value", but "missing value" is not a
value at all. Or at least I don't want it to be a value, like
`undefined` in JavaScript is. It's an out-of-band signal that you need
to be able to pass through the API-s where they declare to return or
consume a TemplateModel. If we use null for it, then it's not a
TemplateModel, yet the API-s are compatible with it.

As of TemplateNullModel.INSTANCE VS TemplateModel.NULL (and not
TemplateModel.NULL_VALUE I think), depends on if you want null to have
a type in the template language. Like, in Scala null has class Null.
In Java null has no type, it's just the common special value for any
reference type. I think it's nice if you can query the type of a value
even if the value happens to be null (in which case you can return
Null). But it can be either way. To prevent misunderstanding, if we
will have TemplateNullModel, it a final class and only has a single

> Regards,
> Woonsan
>> On the template language level we should have this:
>> - null is a keyword. "missing" (aka "undefined") is not a value on the
>>   template language level, and there's no keyword for it.
>> - <#assign x = null> is legal. <#assign x = noSuchVariable> is an
>>   error, as noSuchVariable is "missing", and not null.
>> - Reading x doesn't fall back to higher variable scopes if x is null,
>>   only if x is missing.
>> - javaObject.someMethod() evaluates to null when the Java someMethod
>>   method returns null in Java. But if someMethod() has void return
>>   type, javaObject.someMethod() evaluates to "missing" in the
>>   template. (These two cases were indistinguishable in FM2 templates.)
>> - bean.noSuchProperty (where you don't have a getNoSuchProperty()
>>   method in the bean class) is "missing", while bean.nullProperty
>>   (where you do have a getNullProperty() method in the bean class, but
>>   it returns null) is null.
>> - javaMap.noSuchKey is null, similarly as Map.get("noSuchKey") returns
>>   null in Java. So we don't differentiate the case when the Map
>>   doesn't contain the key from the case when the Map contains the key
>>   and the associated value is null. While we could do that using
>>   Map.contains(key), I believe that would be highly impractical, as
>>   you rarely put null values into to Map-s to ensure that all possible
>>   keys are present. Compare that with beans, where the "keys" are
>>   defined by the bean class statically.
>> - importNamespace.noSuchVar is "missing". This will make more sense
>>   after #var/#set was introduced, and so variables always will be
>>   declared on parse time (not just on runtime), so the set of
>>   variables in a namespace is fixed.
>> - [#var x] (future feature) initializes x to null.
>> It's hard to evaluate the above if you don't known how the
>> null/missing handler operators
>> (https://freemarker.apache.org/docs/dgui_template_exp.html#dgui_template_exp_missing)
>> will react to "missing". That was touched in
>> https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/f520220aefc5064030f8674a1cd482b6469797ff74ad2bdd3c0a1b9c@<dev.freemarker.apache.org>,
>> but going into details would derail discussion. But the basic idea is
>> that exp!default only handles null, not "missing". Why? Let's say you
>> write ${user.realNaem!'Not provided'}. As you see you expect the
>> realName to be null, and also you managed to write realNaem instead of
>> realName (a typo). If exp!default handles "missing", then this mistake
>> is hidden by it, while if it only handles null then you get an error
>> (as there's no getRealNaem() method in that bean) as desirable. Now,
>> there are some rough edges in this idea, like what if you write
>> user.phoneNumber, and while getPhoneNumber() dies exists in class
>> EmployeeUser, it doesn't exist in CustomerUser... so in case user in
>> the data-model is a customer, ${user.phoneNumber!'Not provided'} will
>> not save you. If that can't be addressed on the data-model level (like
>> abstract class User is annotated with @ValidPropertyNamesFrom({
>> EmployeeUser.class, CustomerUser.class })), there's the possibility
>> that there will be something like exp!!default that handless both null
>> and "missing", or that the right compromise will be if exp!default
>> handle both after all. But, I can proceed without deciding this part
>> right now.
>> Another interesting aspect is parameter defaults in macro/function.
>> Clearly, an argument that's "missing" is immediately an error (unlike
>> in FM2), so defaults are irrelevant in that case. But what will happen
>> if you have <#function f(x=0)>, and then you do f(null)? The parameter
>> was not omitted, so will x be 0 or null? I think parameters should
>> have an attribute that tells if it should accept null-s or not (kind
>> of like "not null" constraint in databases). If we accept that idea,
>> then the answer to the question is that if x has a "not null"
>> constraint then x will be 0, but if x is nullable then x will be null
>> in the example case (because the default value is not applied). BTW, I
>> believe the best would be if macro/function parameters by default has
>> "not null" constraint, and you explicitly indicate if want to allow
>> null-s (e.g. `<#function f(x{nullable}=0)>`).
>> --
>> Thanks,
>>  Daniel Dekany

 Daniel Dekany

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