Perhaps I'm picking nits, but I think a library that provides an API for 
interacting with Geode isn't a client. (I like to call it a driver.) The client 
is the application that someone write to use that API to interact with Geode. I 
recognize that in the past the C++ library for Geode has been called the 
"native client" but to me the term "client" implies a stand-alone application 
that has user functionality built into it.


> On 24 Apr, 2017, at 15:03, Fred Krone <> wrote:
> In an effort to improve Java developer ease of use for caching with Geode I
> am looking for feedback on going forward with creating a Java client.  This
> client will allow for server-side region creation and distributed data
> caching.  This would allow for a thin client that fits with microservice
> caching patterns and also abstracts a cleaner client-server experience
> driven interface.
> Initially we were going to update the Region interface but were concerned
> with breaking existing applications.  We also would like to provide Region
> creation to a client application and so propose here solving both of these
> areas with a Java client.
> It would have new project repo for the client.
> It would provide new Region interface for clients.  The specifics of the
> API design are too lengthy for this conversation but implementation will
> resemble JSR 107 Cache interface.
> It would use the new security framework.
> *An example*,
> The client application simply creates an instance of client and points it
> to the locator:
> org.apache.geode.client.Client client = Client.create(locatorHost,
> locatorPort);
> Client has the following methods:
> package org.apache.geode.client;
> public interface GeodeClient {
>  /**
>   * creates the region on the servers, or gets the region if it exits,
> returns a PROXY region
>   */
>  public Region getOrCreateRegion(RegionAttributes attributes, String name);
>  /**
>   * Returns a PROXY region if the region exists on the server
>   */
>  public Region getRegion(String name);
> The smallest set of features to test this idea, learn and iterate, and get
> the client into the communities hands for future iterations is:
> Create a server side Region from a client
> Region interface has CRUD on par with javax.cache.Cache (from JSR 107)
> Calls are asynchronous -- futures
> Also would like feedback on which future functionality would be most useful
> from a thin client:
> Function execution
> Durable clients
> User defined serialization
> Register interest
> Queries
> CQ
> Near side caching
> Create disk stores from client
> Region group membership
> Client subscription load balancing
> Transactions
> Thanks,
> -Fred

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