Hi Bruce-

The general rule of thumb I use in SDG is that an XSD may be changed iff it
is only introducing something new and non-required.

For example, a new element to add configuration support via XML that did
not exist before, but is not required (e.g. configuring the snapshot

Another example might be adding an attribute to an existing element where
again, the attribute is not required (i.e. optional), or provides a default

Adding required elements/attributes, removing existing elements/attributes
or changing types is a breaking change and will affect existing users XML
document instances based on that XSD version, in which case, you will need
to roll the version with a new XSD (e.g. cache-1.1.xsd or cache-2.0.xsd).

Just glancing at this PR...

<xsd:attribute name="socket-connect-timeout" type="xsd:string" use="optional
" />

If that was the only schema change, then it should not cause an issue for
existing XML documents based on cache-1.0.xsd.  The "use" is "optional".

Hope this helps.


On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 11:12 AM, Bruce Schuchardt <bschucha...@pivotal.io>

> We have a pull request that includes a change to cache-1.0.xsd.  It seems
> like that shouldn't be allowed and a new version of the xsd should be
> created.
> https://github.com/apache/geode/pull/474/files

john.blum10101 (skype)

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