On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 9:28 AM John Blum <jb...@pivotal.io> wrote:

> PRs are for contributors that do not have commit privileges.  ReviewBoard
> is a tool for "reviewing" changes.

This isn't some law, it was our choice. What I am proposing is that we
re-evaluate this choice for consistency.

> However, what is also common practice on open source projects, even for
> committers, is to create a topic branch containing the commit with the
> desired changes (labeled with an appropriate JIRA ticket + description).
> Then a reviewer can then pick up the topic branch, review the code changes,
> polish things up and even merge the topic branch back into the mainline
> (e.g. develop) and close the ticket.  IDEs, more than ReviewBoard/FishEye,
> etc, have better tooling for reviewing diffs, making change, running tests,
> etc.

I feel like this argument justifies the PR model because it forces the
practice of topic branches. It creates consistency across all contributes,
committer or not.


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