On Thu, Aug 3, 2017 at 1:41 PM, Jinmei Liao <jil...@pivotal.io> wrote:

> I am not sure why I have so many branches there. I don't remember I created
> them. But this is what I get when I tried to delete one of them:
>  *$* git fetch origin
>  *$* git push origin --delete feature/GEODE-2632-6
> error: unable to delete 'feature/GEODE-2632-6': remote ref does not exist

Feature branches that have been deleted on the server don't actually get
removed from your local checkout unit you do a git remote prune. Naba, is
it possible some of these branches were already deleted? Maybe you need to
do a git remote prune origin.

+1 to cleaning these up and +1 to creating feature branches in forks if the
branches are just for review/PRs. Thanks for taking this on Naba!


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