According to the context of where that message is used, the specified
className is blank.

  private static Class<PartitionResolver> forName(String className, String
neededFor) {
    if (StringUtils.isBlank(className)) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(CliStrings

className, neededFor));

      "{0} is an invalid Partition Resolver.";

That StringUtils.isBlank call is using Apache Commons:

    public static boolean isBlank(String str) {
        int strLen;
        if (str == null || (strLen = str.length()) == 0) {
            return true;
        for (int i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
            if ((Character.isWhitespace(str.charAt(i)) == false)) {
                return false;
        return true;

Since your output appears to have a className:
is an invalid Partition Resolver", I'm not sure what would cause this. If
this is repeatable, I recommend filing a Jira ticket and attaching your
so we can try it out.

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 8:57 AM, Mark Secrist <> wrote:

> Hi all,
>  I'm curious why I'd be running into issues using the gfsh command to
> create a region using a partition resolver, yet can do so using XML
> configuration. I've tried a couple of different combinations.
>  I have a partition resolver class that is packaged in a JAR file. I tried
> the following:
>    1. Deployed jar file using 'deploy --j' [success], created region using
>    command 'create region --name=BookOrder --type=PARTITION
>    --partition-resolver=....' [Failed]
>    - io.pivotal.bookshop.partitions.CustomerPartitionResolverParti
> tionResolver
>    is an invalid Partition Resolver
>    2. Configured region from gfsh using StringPrefixPartitionResolver for
>    partition resolver [Success]
>    3. Un-deployed jar file. Used traditional classpath and XML
>    configuration [Success]
>    4. Deployed jar file using 'deploy' [Success] Configure region with
>    partition resolver in XML file [Success]
> If it wasn't for the fact that attempt #2 was successful, I'd believe that
> maybe it wasn't possible to use the gfsh command to configure a region with
> partition resolver. I'm frankly at a loss to understand why this wouldn't
> work.
> This is using GemFire 9.2.1 bits by the way...
> Thoughts?
> --
> *Mark Secrist | Director, **Global Education Delivery*
> 970.214.4567 Mobile
>   * <>*
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