Submit a PR and it will run precheckin for you.  The precheckin run will be much faster than running it yourself.

All you need to do before submitting a pull request is make sure the "build" task has no errors.

On 10/25/18 2:42 AM, Yang, Dong [GTSUS Non-J&J] wrote:


I already finish the code and test show it’s fine. Now the prechecking step I need some suggestion..

Is it possible make it faster? Some config or tricks

It cost 3 hours and just 40% progress.. and seems some database related case failed but actually nothing change on them.



*From:* Patrick Rhomberg <>
*Sent:* Tuesday, October 23, 2018 4:46 PM
*To:*; Yang, Dong [GTSUS Non-J&J] <>
*Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: About JIRA GEODE-5896

> Think I need finish the test code before create pull request.

We have integrations into GitHub that launch precheckin testing in our continuous integration Concourse pipelines.  PR status hooks updated when tests pass or fail.

Of course, from a philosophical point of view, every bug is the result of insufficient testing coverage, but as long as your PR includes / updates tests that would identify this bug, then opening the PR will cover the rest.

> But like I mentioned above, I need some suggestion from develop team, is my idea suitable or something I missed.

In my mind, this is what the PR is meant to do -- facilitate discussion around immediate proposed changes.  When the PR is opened, the community can review the change set, and if anything jumps out at us, we have the opportunity to shore up any deficiencies then.

If you were looking for a collaborator to help you with a problem that you didn't know how to start, we could figure something out.  But if you believe you have a fix, we'll all look forward to the pull request!

On Tue, Oct 23, 2018 at 2:41 AM, Yang, Dong [GTSUS Non-J&J] < <>> wrote:

    Hi, Udo

    I already fork the geode and commit my code in  feature/GEODE-5896 .

    Think I need finish the test code before create pull request. But
    actually I hope I can get some suggestion or maybe someone can
    review the code changes.

    I do some investigate about the code invocation chain. The
    attachment chat can show the whole idea. We can find the problem
    at on-server node, FunctionStreamingReplyMessage comes from
    onRegion node and there should have a processor exist missed. Then
    a PartitionedRegionFunctionStreamingAbortMessage can send from
    this point, here we have the sender member, processorId, that’s

    Then the abort message received at on-region node, at this node,
    user-defined function is still running and continuously invoke the
    PartitionedRegionFunctionResultSender.sendResult method to send
    the result as stream way. It’s running in another thread. We need
    a shared variable can notify that sender the remote processor
    already dropped. So PartitionedRegionFunctionStreamingContext
    class here is tracing the processorId, normally it should be
    placed into a map before send action and remove after last send.
    Once abort message arrived, the processorId will be removed, then
    the next sendResult method can throw an exception to endup the
    useless function.

    I am trying to follow the Github PR workflow, now are writing the
    test code. But like I mentioned above, I need some suggestion from
    develop team, is my idea suitable or something I missed.



    -----Original Message-----
    From: Udo Kohlmeyer <
    Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 4:53 PM
    To: Yang, Dong [GTSUS Non-J&J] <
    Cc: <>
    Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: About JIRA GEODE-5896

    Hi there Dong Yang,

    If you have completed a fix, please submit it via the PR mechanism
    within Github. We will most gladly review and incorporate.


    On 10/18/18 06:00, Yang, Dong [GTSUS Non-J&J] wrote:

    > Hi,


    > I am Dong Yang, and my apache account is twosand. What we are
    using Gemfire is not commonly usage scenario in other company,
    it's more like a OLTP and OLAP mixed scenario. The concept is very
    similar to using Spark-Gemfire connect, we have some server-side
    function that can shuffle data from server to client as stream
    style. And we encountered the thread lock issue in different
    environments. Before we use Gemfire8 , now we are upgrading to

    > About GEODE-5896, it's very important usage for us, and I think
    the same for others if they want using spark to connect to
    Gemfire. Now we just do some patch at client-side the force the
    meta ready before function executed. But the perfect solution
    should fix some sever-side code.

    > I can share what I found and where I want to fix, you can review
    it , resonale or not . Fix it by current geode team or I can do it
    as a contributor.




    > Dong Yang, Dong [GTSUS Non-J&J

    > Thanks


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