To make this example a bit more concrete for everyone else...

gfsh>start server --name=*Server1* --log-level=config
Starting a Geode Server in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server1...
Server in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server1 on[*40404*] as
Server1 is currently online.
Process ID: 49850
Uptime: 3 seconds
Geode Version: 1.6.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_192
Log File: /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server1/Server1.log
JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.default.locators=[10334]
-Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=false -Dgemfire.use-cluster-configuration=true
-Dgemfire.log-level=config -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -KILL %p
-Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true

gfsh>show log --member=*Server1* --lines=20

[info 2018/11/02 17:52:53.523 PDT Server1 <main> tid=0x1] Initialization of
region _monitoringRegion_10.99.199.7<v1>1025 completed

[info 2018/11/02 17:52:54.146 PDT Server1 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service org.apache.geode.connectors.jdbc.internal.JdbcConnectorServiceImpl

[info 2018/11/02 17:52:54.160 PDT Server1 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.internal.LuceneServiceImpl

[info 2018/11/02 17:52:54.161 PDT Server1 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service com.gemstone.gemfire.OldClientSupportProvider

[info 2018/11/02 17:52:54.171 PDT Server1 <main> tid=0x1] Initializing
region PdxTypes

[info 2018/11/02 17:52:54.173 PDT Server1 <main> tid=0x1] Initialization of
region PdxTypes completed

[info 2018/11/02 17:52:54.226 PDT Server1 <main> tid=0x1] Cache server
connection listener bound to address with
backlog 1,000.

[info 2018/11/02 17:52:54.235 PDT Server1 <main> tid=0x1]
ClientHealthMonitorThread maximum allowed time between pings: 60,000

[warning 2018/11/02 17:52:54.236 PDT Server1 <main> tid=0x1] Handshaker max
Pool size: 4

[info 2018/11/02 17:52:54.242 PDT *Server1* <main> tid=0x1] *CacheServer
Configuration:   port=40404* max-connections=800 max-threads=0
notify-by-subscription=true socket-buffer-size=32768
maximum-time-between-pings=60000 maximum-message-count=230000
message-time-to-live=180 eviction-policy=none capacity=1 overflow
directory=. groups=[] loadProbe=ConnectionCountProbe loadPollInterval=5000

gfsh>start server --name=*Server2* --log-level=config --server-port=51515
Starting a Geode Server in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server2...
Server in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server2 on[*51515*] as
Server2 is currently online.
Process ID: 49916
Uptime: 3 seconds
Geode Version: 1.6.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_192
Log File: /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server2/Server2.log
JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.default.locators=[10334]
-Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=false -Dgemfire.use-cluster-configuration=true
-Dgemfire.log-level=config -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -KILL %p
-Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true

gfsh>show log --member=Server2 --lines=20

[info 2018/11/02 17:54:36.776 PDT Server2 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.internal.LuceneServiceImpl

[info 2018/11/02 17:54:36.777 PDT Server2 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service com.gemstone.gemfire.OldClientSupportProvider

[info 2018/11/02 17:54:36.788 PDT Server2 <main> tid=0x1] Initializing
region PdxTypes

[info 2018/11/02 17:54:36.793 PDT Server2 <main> tid=0x1] Region PdxTypes
requesting initial image from<v1>:1025

[info 2018/11/02 17:54:36.797 PDT Server2 <main> tid=0x1] PdxTypes is done
getting image from<v1>:1025. isDeltaGII is false

[info 2018/11/02 17:54:36.797 PDT Server2 <main> tid=0x1] Initialization of
region PdxTypes completed

[info 2018/11/02 17:54:36.852 PDT Server2 <main> tid=0x1] Cache server
connection listener bound to address with
backlog 1,000.

[info 2018/11/02 17:54:36.859 PDT Server2 <main> tid=0x1]
ClientHealthMonitorThread maximum allowed time between pings: 60,000

[warning 2018/11/02 17:54:36.860 PDT Server2 <main> tid=0x1] Handshaker max
Pool size: 4

[info 2018/11/02 17:54:36.867 PDT *Server2* <main> tid=0x1] *CacheServer
Configuration:   port=51515* max-connections=800 max-threads=0
notify-by-subscription=true socket-buffer-size=32768
maximum-time-between-pings=60000 maximum-message-count=230000
message-time-to-live=180 eviction-policy=none capacity=1 overflow
directory=. groups=[] loadProbe=ConnectionCountProbe loadPollInterval=5000

gfsh>start server --name=*Server3* --log-level=config
Starting a Geode Server in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server3...
Server in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server3 on as Server3 is
currently online.
Process ID: 49955
Uptime: 3 seconds
Geode Version: 1.6.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_192
Log File: /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server3/Server3.log
JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.default.locators=[10334]
-Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=false -Dgemfire.use-cluster-configuration=true
-Dgemfire.log-level=config -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -KILL %p
-Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true

gfsh>show log --member=*Server3* --lines=20

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:19.144 PDT Server3 <main> tid=0x1] Region
_monitoringRegion_10.99.199.7<v3>1027 requesting initial image from<ec><v0>:1024

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:19.147 PDT Server3 <main> tid=0x1]
_monitoringRegion_10.99.199.7<v3>1027 is done getting image from<ec><v0>:1024. isDeltaGII is false

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:19.147 PDT Server3 <main> tid=0x1] Initialization of
region _monitoringRegion_10.99.199.7<v3>1027 completed

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:19.811 PDT Server3 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service org.apache.geode.connectors.jdbc.internal.JdbcConnectorServiceImpl

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:19.823 PDT Server3 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.internal.LuceneServiceImpl

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:19.824 PDT Server3 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service com.gemstone.gemfire.OldClientSupportProvider

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:19.834 PDT Server3 <main> tid=0x1] Initializing
region PdxTypes

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:19.842 PDT Server3 <main> tid=0x1] Region PdxTypes
requesting initial image from<v2>:1026

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:19.846 PDT Server3 <main> tid=0x1] PdxTypes is done
getting image from<v2>:1026. isDeltaGII is false

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:19.846 PDT Server3 <main> tid=0x1] Initialization of
region PdxTypes completed

gfsh>start server --name=*Server4* --log-level=config
Starting a Geode Server in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server4...
Server in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server4 on as Server4 is
currently online.
Process ID: 49972
Uptime: 3 seconds
Geode Version: 1.6.0
Java Version: 1.8.0_192
Log File: /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server4/Server4.log
JVM Arguments: -Dgemfire.default.locators=[10334]
-Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=false -Dgemfire.use-cluster-configuration=true
-Dgemfire.log-level=config -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -KILL %p
-Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true

gfsh>show log --member=*Server4* --lines=20

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:48.826 PDT Server4 <main> tid=0x1] Region
_monitoringRegion_10.99.199.7<v4>1028 requesting initial image from<ec><v0>:1024

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:48.829 PDT Server4 <main> tid=0x1]
_monitoringRegion_10.99.199.7<v4>1028 is done getting image from<ec><v0>:1024. isDeltaGII is false

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:48.829 PDT Server4 <main> tid=0x1] Initialization of
region _monitoringRegion_10.99.199.7<v4>1028 completed

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:49.475 PDT Server4 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service org.apache.geode.connectors.jdbc.internal.JdbcConnectorServiceImpl

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:49.489 PDT Server4 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.internal.LuceneServiceImpl

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:49.499 PDT Server4 <main> tid=0x1] Initialized cache
service com.gemstone.gemfire.OldClientSupportProvider

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:49.509 PDT Server4 <main> tid=0x1] Initializing
region PdxTypes

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:49.517 PDT Server4 <main> tid=0x1] Region PdxTypes
requesting initial image from<v3>:1027

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:49.521 PDT Server4 <main> tid=0x1] PdxTypes is done
getting image from<v3>:1027. isDeltaGII is false

[info 2018/11/02 17:55:49.521 PDT Server4 <main> tid=0x1] Initialization of
region PdxTypes completed

gfsh>list members
  Name   | Id
-------- | --------------------------------------------------------------
Locator1 |<ec><v0>:1024 [Coordinator]
Server1  |<v1>:1025
Server2  |<v2>:1026
Server3  |<v3>:1027
Server4  |<v4>:1028

However, if I not started Server5 using the default port (i.e. *40404*) or
mistakenly tried to reuse port 51515, then I would get...

gfsh>debug --state=ON
Debug is ON

gfsh>start server --name=*Server5* --log-level=config
-server -classpath
-Dgemfire.start-dev-rest-api=false -Dgemfire.use-cluster-configuration=true
-Dgemfire.log-level=config -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -KILL %p
-Dgemfire.launcher.registerSignalHandlers=true -Djava.awt.headless=true
org.apache.geode.distributed.ServerLauncher start Server5 --debug
Starting a Geode Server in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server5...
The Cache Server process terminated unexpectedly with exit status 1. Please
refer to the log file in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server5 for full details.

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.RuntimeException: An IO error occurred
while starting a Server in /Users/jblum/pivdev/lab/Server5 on[40404]: Network is unreachable; port (40404) is not available
on localhost.




Caused by: * Network is unreachable; port (40404) is
not available on localhost.*



    ... 2 more


On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 5:49 PM, John Blum <> wrote:

> Damn it! Correction to my previous email...
> '--disable-default-port' should read '--disable-default-server' in my
> *Gfsh* `start server` command examples.
> Apologies,
> John
> On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 5:41 PM, John Blum <> wrote:
>> Bruce-
>> Regarding...
>> > "... *but it's the AcceptorImpl thread that keeps the JVM from
>> exiting, so I don't really agree that you can create a server with gfsh
>> that doesn't have a CacheServer.*"
>> Well, that is not entirely true, and the last bit is definitely not true.
>> How do you suppose I can do this...
>> gfsh>start server --name=Server1
>> gfsh>start server --name=Server2 *--server-port*=51515
>> gfsh>start server --name=Server3 *--disable-default-port*
>> gfsh>start server --name=Server4 *--disable-default-port*
>> ... if I could not disable the CacheServer?
>> Clearly, Server1 starts up with the default CacheServer port, 40404.
>> Server2 explicitly sets the CacheServer port to 51515.  And Servers 3 &
>> 4 simply do not have CacheServers running.  If they tried to start a
>> CacheServer, and they did NOT explicitly set the --server-port option,
>> then Servers 3 & 4 would result in throwing a
>> So, the ServerLauncher class "blocks" if you do not start a CacheServer
>> instance, which would not be started if the server was started using `start
>> server --disable-default-server`).
>> See here [1], then here [2], and then here [3] and here [4] as well as
>> this [5], which gets set from this [6].
>> There is a very good reason why I know this.
>> Regards,
>> -John
>> [1]
>> re/src/main/java/org/apache/geode/distributed/
>> [2]
>> re/src/main/java/org/apache/geode/distributed/ServerLauncher
>> .java#L906-L928
>> [3]
>> re/src/main/java/org/apache/geode/distributed/
>> [4]
>> re/src/main/java/org/apache/geode/distributed/ServerLauncher
>> .java#L940-L942
>> [5]
>> re/src/main/java/org/apache/geode/distributed/ServerLauncher
>> .java#L407-L409
>> [6]
>> re/src/main/java/org/apache/geode/distributed/
>> On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 3:03 PM, Bruce Schuchardt <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hmm, but it's the AcceptorImpl thread that keeps the JVM from exiting,
>>> so I don't really agree that you can create a server with gfsh that doesn't
>>> have a CacheServer.  One's got to be created through cache.xml or something.
>>> Be that as it may I think the recent talk about this convinces me that
>>> Kirk's original proposal is sound and we should go with it. Servers can be
>>> fished out of the cache so it's not a big deal if the launcher API doesn't
>>> have a getCacheServer method.
>>> On 11/1/18 9:38 AM, John Blum wrote:
>>>> Well, ServerLauncher may or may not create a CacheServer instance when
>>>> it
>>>> starts a server.  A server can be created without a CacheServer, for
>>>> instance, when in *Gfsh* `start server --disable-default-server` option
>>>> is
>>>> specified.
>>>> In addition, you can always find or get the list of CacheServers (if
>>>> present) from the Cache instance, using
>>>> Cache.getCacheServers():List<CacheServer> [1].  So, I think it would be
>>>> better if the ServerLauncher returned a handle to the Cache and then
>>>> drill
>>>> down as opposed to up.
>>>> -j
>>>> [1]
>>>> eode/cache/Cache.html#getCacheServers--
>>>> On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 7:31 AM, Bruce Schuchardt <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I like this but it might be even better if ServerLauncher gave access to
>>>>> the CacheServer it launched and CacheServer gave access to its cache.
>>>>> The
>>>>> Locator interface, as well, could have a getCache() method and
>>>>> deprecate
>>>>> the getDistributedSystem() method.  These days a Locator always has a
>>>>> Cache
>>>>> and no-one is interested in its DistributedSystem.
>>>>> On 10/31/18 2:48 PM, Kirk Lund wrote:
>>>>> LocatorLauncher provides an API which can be used in-process to create
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> Locator. There is no public API on that class to get a reference to
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Locator or its Cache.
>>>>>> Similarly, ServerLauncher provides an API which can be used
>>>>>> in-process to
>>>>>> create a Server, but there is no public API in that class to get a
>>>>>> reference to its Cache.
>>>>>> The User of either Launcher would then have to resort to invoking
>>>>>> singletons to get a reference to the Cache.
>>>>>> There are existing package-private getter APIs on both Launchers but
>>>>>> they're only used by tests in that same package.
>>>>>> I propose adding public APIs for getCache to both LocatorLauncher and
>>>>>> ServerLauncher as well as adding getLocator to LocatorLauncher. The
>>>>>> signatures would look like:
>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>    * Gets a reference to the Cache that was created by this
>>>>>> ServerLauncher.
>>>>>>    *
>>>>>>    * @return a reference to the Cache
>>>>>>    */
>>>>>> public org.apache.geode.cache.Cache getCache();
>>>>>> /**
>>>>>>    * Gets a reference to the Locator that was created by this
>>>>>> LocatorLauncher.
>>>>>>    *
>>>>>>    * @return a reference to the Locator
>>>>>>    */
>>>>>> public org.apache.geode.distributed.Locator getLocator();
>>>>>> Any thoughts? Yay or nay?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Kirk
>> --
>> -John
>> john.blum10101 (skype)
> --
> -John
> john.blum10101 (skype)

john.blum10101 (skype)

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