PS: it's in TomcatInstall...

  private static final String[] tomcatRequiredJars =
      {"antlr", "commons-io", "commons-lang", "commons-validator",
"fastutil", "geode-common",
          "geode-core", "geode-log4j", "geode-management",
"javax.transaction-api", "jgroups",
          "log4j-api", "log4j-core", "log4j-jul", "micrometer",
"shiro-core", "jetty-server",
          "jetty-util", "jetty-http", "jetty-io"};

On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 3:39 PM Kirk Lund <> wrote:

> Can anyone point me at the hardcoded list of jars for the Jetty and Tomcat
> tests? I can't seem to find it this time despite grepping for several
> things that should be in the list. Maybe it was changed since I last had to
> look for it...
> I found the one in dunit ProcessManager:
>       dunitClasspath =
>           removeModulesFromPath(dunitClasspath, "geode-core", "geode-cq",
> "geode-common",
>               "geode-json", "geode-log4j", "geode-lucene", "geode-wan");
> I would love to remove all of these hardcoded lists of jars... they're bad
> news.
> By the way, the fact that we leave geode-dunit on the classpath (on
> purpose) for tests that have JVMs running old versions of Geode is a
> nightmare to anyone trying to move classes around for something like
> geode-log4j. Please try to think of a different way to handle this.

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