@Anthony. Ticket was updated.. In a nutshell, to run integration tests, using the REST endpoints, requires the starting of the server with and embedded web-server.

As all tests run on dependency management only and don't have access to a downloaded product, the HTTP endpoints are not part of the dependency. These are added in by including the WAR files from mavenCentral.

As @Dan pointed out, GEODE-5660 enabled this behavior.

I think this approach might actually even help with the testing of the REST Controller in the Geode codebase itself.


On 9/25/19 8:32 AM, Anthony Baker wrote:

Can you update GEODE-7241 to help us understand the reason why we need to 
publish geode-web* WARs to maven?  I get that we used to do this but I can’t 
recall why we choose that approach.

There is one request for Pulse on maven (GEODE-6208).


On Sep 24, 2019, at 3:44 PM, Udo Kohlmeyer <u...@apache.com> wrote:

Maybe the better question is, WHY are we publishing geode-web and geode-web-api.

Pulse, from what I remember, could be a standalone deployment. At least that is 
what I remember.

Most likely an oversight...


On 9/24/19 3:38 PM, Robert Houghton wrote:
The geode-pulse module also builds a war, but does not publish it. Is this
an oversight, or by design?

On Tue, Sep 24, 2019 at 3:34 PM Robert Houghton <rhough...@pivotal.io>

I am working on the change to get the geode-web and geode-web-api war
artifacts published instead of the jars. I have found the
geode-web-management project is also producing a war artifact, in addition
to a jar. Do we want it to be published as well? What is the criterion we
use to decide?

I think this problem was an oversight from the changes PurelyApplied and I
made to the build when we made the publish plugin 'opt-in' instead of
forced by the root project. Easy to publish one or the other, but I am not
qualified to decide whether a war or jar is more appropriate for these

Thank you,

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