There is also one other positive of having it in the ASF repo which is 
visibility to other people committing breaking changes. That might help with 


On 6/3/20, 10:51 AM, "Nabarun Nag" <> wrote:

    Thank you Aaron.

    We will continue using feature branch in ASF repo for development of PR 
clear work.

    Yes, we can manage access to personal/non-ASF hosted forks but I do not 
have the list of people to set that up. This is automatic default when we 
create in ASF repositories.

    Also, I am vehemently against using one person's personal fork for massive 
collaborative open source feature development involving the entire Geode 
Community. Every collaborator should have the same rights on the source code 
rather than a gatekeeper.

    But again, I agree it is wrong to use the repo to create short living 
branches with single contributor and then not cleaning up after the branch is 


    -----Original Message-----
    From: Aaron Lindsey <> 
    Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 8:50 AM
    Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] Stop using the Geode Repository for Feature/WIP 

    I'm on board with using forks — the exception being Naba's use case for 
long running feature branches where developers actually want to open a PR into 
the branch

    From: Bruce Schuchardt <>
    Sent: Wednesday, June 3, 2020 8:23 AM
    Subject: Re: [DISCUSSION] Stop using the Geode Repository for Feature/WIP 

    Jake, you make some good points that I hadn't considered before.

    On 6/2/20, 3:42 PM, "Jacob Barrett" <> wrote:

        I know this has been brought up multiple times without resolution. I 
want us resolve to ban the use of Geode repository for work in progress, 
feature branches, or any other branches that are not release or support 
branches. There is no reason given the nature of GitHub why you can’t fork the 
repository to contribute.

        * Work done on these branches results in the ASF bots updating the 
associated JIRAs and email blasting all of us with your work.

        * People don’t clean up these branches, which leads to a mess of 
branches on everyones clones and in the UI.

        * All your intermediate commits get synced to the repo, which bloats 
the repo for everyone else. Even your commits you rebase over and force push 
are left in the repo. When you delete your branch these commits are not 
removed. There is no way for us to prune unreferenced commits. Nobody else 
needs your commits outside of what was merged to a production branch.

        If anyone has a use case for working directly from Geode repo that 
can’t work from a fork please post it here so we can resolve.


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