
I attach a diff for the modified test case in case you would like to use it to 
check the problem I mentioned.


From: Alberto Gomez <alberto.go...@est.tech>
Sent: Saturday, June 6, 2020 4:06 PM
To: dev@geode.apache.org <dev@geode.apache.org>
Subject: Problem in rolling upgrade since 1.12


I have observed that since version 1.12 rolling upgrades to future versions 
leave the first upgraded locator "as if" it was still on version 1.12.

This is the output from "list members" before starting the upgrade from version 

Name | Id
---- | -----------------------------------------------------------
vm2  |<ec><v0>:41001 [Coordinator]
vm0  |<v1>:41002
vm1  |<v2>:41003

And this is the output from "list members" after upgrading the first locator 
from 1.12 to 1.13/1.14:

Name | Id
---- | 
vm2  |<ec><v8>:41001(version:GEODE 1.12.0) 
vm0  |<v1>:41002(version:GEODE 1.12.0)
vm1  |<v2>:41003(version:GEODE 1.12.0)

Finally this is the output in gfsh once the rolling upgrade has been completed 
(locators and servers upgraded):

Name | Id
---- | 
vm2  |<ec><v8>:41001(version:GEODE 1.12.0) 
vm0  |<v23>:41002
vm1  |<v25>:41003

I verified this by running manual tests and also by running the following 
upgrade test (had to stop it in the middle to connect via gfsh and get the gfsh 

After the rolling upgrade, the shutdown command fails with the following error:
Member<ec><v8>:41001 could not be found.  Please 
verify the member name or ID and try again.

The only way I have found to come out of the situation is by restarting the 
Once restarted again, the output of gfsh shows that all members are upgraded to 
the new version, i.e. the locator does not show anymore that it is on version 
GEODE 1.12.0.

Anybody has any clue why this is happening?

Thanks in advance,

/Alberto G.
diff --git a/geode-core/src/upgradeTest/java/org/apache/geode/internal/cache/rollingupgrade/RollingUpgradeDUnitTest.java b/geode-core/src/upgradeTest/java/org/apache/geode/internal/cache/rollingupgrade/RollingUpgradeDUnitTest.java
index 089b4ffd9d..a501d89a9f 100644
--- a/geode-core/src/upgradeTest/java/org/apache/geode/internal/cache/rollingupgrade/RollingUpgradeDUnitTest.java
+++ b/geode-core/src/upgradeTest/java/org/apache/geode/internal/cache/rollingupgrade/RollingUpgradeDUnitTest.java
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
 package org.apache.geode.internal.cache.rollingupgrade;
+import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.JMX_MANAGER;
+import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.JMX_MANAGER_PORT;
+import static org.apache.geode.distributed.ConfigurationProperties.JMX_MANAGER_START;
+import static org.apache.geode.internal.AvailablePortHelper.getRandomAvailableTCPPorts;
 import static org.apache.geode.test.awaitility.GeodeAwaitility.await;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
@@ -27,6 +31,7 @@ import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Properties;
 import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils;
+import org.junit.Rule;
 import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
 import org.junit.runners.Parameterized;
 import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameter;
@@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.DistributionConfig;
 import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.InternalLocator;
 import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.InternalDistributedMember;
 import org.apache.geode.distributed.internal.membership.gms.membership.GMSJoinLeave;
-import org.apache.geode.internal.AvailablePortHelper;
 import org.apache.geode.internal.serialization.Version;
 import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.DistributedTestUtils;
 import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Host;
@@ -59,6 +63,7 @@ import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.Invoke;
 import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.NetworkUtils;
 import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.VM;
 import org.apache.geode.test.dunit.internal.JUnit4DistributedTestCase;
+import org.apache.geode.test.junit.rules.GfshCommandRule;
 import org.apache.geode.test.junit.runners.CategoryWithParameterizedRunnerFactory;
 import org.apache.geode.test.version.VersionManager;
@@ -78,10 +83,14 @@ import org.apache.geode.test.version.VersionManager;
  * @author jhuynh
 public abstract class RollingUpgradeDUnitTest extends JUnit4DistributedTestCase {
+  @Rule
+  public transient GfshCommandRule gfsh = new GfshCommandRule();
   @Parameters(name = "from_v{0}")
   public static Collection<String> data() {
     List<String> result = VersionManager.getInstance().getVersionsWithoutCurrent();
@@ -136,11 +145,12 @@ public abstract class RollingUpgradeDUnitTest extends JUnit4DistributedTestCase
   void doTestRollAll(String regionType, String objectType, String startingVersion)
       throws Exception {
     final Host host = Host.getHost(0);
+    // startingVersion = "1.12.0";
     VM server1 = host.getVM(startingVersion, 0); // testingDirs[0]
     VM server2 = host.getVM(startingVersion, 1); // testingDirs[1]
     VM locator = host.getVM(startingVersion, 2); // locator must be last
     String regionName = "aRegion";
     String shortcutName = RegionShortcut.REPLICATE.name();
     if (regionType.equals("replicate")) {
@@ -159,14 +169,22 @@ public abstract class RollingUpgradeDUnitTest extends JUnit4DistributedTestCase
-    int[] locatorPorts = AvailablePortHelper.getRandomAvailableTCPPorts(1);
+    int[] ports = getRandomAvailableTCPPorts(4);
+    int locatorPort = ports[0];
+    int locatorJmxPort = ports[1];
     String hostName = NetworkUtils.getServerHostName(host);
-    String locatorString = getLocatorString(locatorPorts);
+    String locatorString = getLocatorString(new int[] {locatorPort});
     final Properties locatorProps = new Properties();
+    locatorProps.setProperty(JMX_MANAGER, "true");
+    locatorProps.setProperty(JMX_MANAGER_PORT, String.valueOf(locatorJmxPort));
+    locatorProps.setProperty(JMX_MANAGER_START, "true");
     // configure all class loaders for each vm
     try {
-      locator.invoke(invokeStartLocator(hostName, locatorPorts[0], getTestMethodName(),
+      locator.invoke(invokeStartLocator(hostName, locatorPort, getTestMethodName(),
           locatorString, locatorProps, true));
       // Locators before 1.4 handled configuration asynchronously.
@@ -177,7 +195,7 @@ public abstract class RollingUpgradeDUnitTest extends JUnit4DistributedTestCase
                       || InternalLocator.getLocator().isSharedConfigurationRunning())));
-      invokeRunnableInVMs(invokeCreateCache(getSystemProperties(locatorPorts)), server1, server2);
+      invokeRunnableInVMs(invokeCreateCache(getSystemProperties(ports)), server1, server2);
       // create region
       if ((regionType.equals("persistentReplicate"))) {
@@ -191,20 +209,26 @@ public abstract class RollingUpgradeDUnitTest extends JUnit4DistributedTestCase
       putAndVerify(objectType, server1, regionName, 0, 10, server2);
-      locator = rollLocatorToCurrent(locator, hostName, locatorPorts[0], getTestMethodName(),
-          locatorString);
+      locator =
+          rollLocatorToCurrent(locator, hostName, locatorPort, locatorProps, getTestMethodName(),
+              locatorString);
       server1 = rollServerToCurrentAndCreateRegion(server1, regionType, testingDirs[0],
-          shortcutName, regionName, locatorPorts);
+          shortcutName, regionName, new int[] {locatorPort});
       verifyValues(objectType, regionName, 0, 10, server1);
       putAndVerify(objectType, server1, regionName, 5, 15, server2);
       putAndVerify(objectType, server2, regionName, 10, 20, server1);
       server2 = rollServerToCurrentAndCreateRegion(server2, regionType, testingDirs[1],
-          shortcutName, regionName, locatorPorts);
+          shortcutName, regionName, ports);
       verifyValues(objectType, regionName, 0, 10, server2);
       putAndVerify(objectType, server2, regionName, 15, 25, server1);
+      String shutDownCommand = "shutdown --include-locators=true";
+      String listMembersCommand = "list members";
+      gfsh.connectAndVerify(locatorJmxPort, GfshCommandRule.PortType.jmxManager);
+      gfsh.executeAndAssertThat(listMembersCommand).statusIsSuccess()
+          .doesNotContainOutput(startingVersion);
     } finally {
       invokeRunnableInVMs(true, invokeStopLocator(), locator);
       invokeRunnableInVMs(true, invokeCloseCache(), server1, server2);
@@ -214,7 +238,10 @@ public abstract class RollingUpgradeDUnitTest extends JUnit4DistributedTestCase
   // ******** TEST HELPER METHODS ********/
   private void putAndVerify(String objectType, VM putter, String regionName, int start, int end,
       VM... checkVMs) throws Exception {
     if (objectType.equals("strings")) {
@@ -330,12 +357,14 @@ public abstract class RollingUpgradeDUnitTest extends JUnit4DistributedTestCase
   private VM rollLocatorToCurrent(VM oldLocator, final String serverHostName, final int port,
+      Properties props,
       final String testName, final String locatorString) {
     // Roll the locator
     VM rollLocator = Host.getHost(0).getVM(VersionManager.CURRENT_VERSION, oldLocator.getId());
-    final Properties props = new Properties();
+    // final Properties props = new Properties();
     props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.ENABLE_CLUSTER_CONFIGURATION_NAME, "false");
         .invoke(invokeStartLocator(serverHostName, port, testName, locatorString, props, false));
     return rollLocator;

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