Thank you to everyone who participated in this discussion.

After a quick tally of responses, it looks like there are 6 people in favour of 
the change happening right now and 3 who are in favour but would prefer it to 
wait for a major version change. While this isn't a strong consensus, I do 
think that it demonstrates a solid majority in favour of the proposal as part 
of a minor version, so I have opened a pull request[1] with the necessary 
changes and invite everyone to provide feedback on it, particularly with 
regards to updating/expanding documentation around this change.

From: Dan Smith <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 9, 2020 11:22 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] Change the default value of conserve-sockets to false

I will go ahead and withdraw my objection to this change. Based on some side 
conversations, at least at VMWare it sounds like we don't have customers that 
are not setting this flag. So the scenario I'm worried about where a customer 
upgrades their production cluster and has it crash due to this change seems 
less likely. I do agree false is a better default.

I would also be fine waiting until 2.0 to make this change.


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