We just finished our 4th day of Geode Bug Squashathon (Thurs) and we've had
another GREEN build of DistributedTests. We had 12 volunteers and committed
fixes for another 4 tickets. The UnitTest and IntegrationTest suites
remained green for us except for 2 failures in IntegrationTests which were
both in the same test case. The DistributedTest builds continue to have 1-3
test failures each run, and we're continuing to primarily fix bugs in the
test code itself. Seven of the open Jira tickets were found to be caused by
one underlying bug in the registration of DataSerializers.

Geode Builds (This Week):
UnitTest Builds: 30 PASS, 2 FAIL
IntegrationTest Builds: 112 PASS, 16 FAIL
DistributedTest Builds: 2 PASS, 51 FAIL

Number Test By Category:
UnitTest: 1,572 tests
IntegrationTest: 2,571 tests
DistributedTest: 7,166 tests

Geode JIRA Tickets:
Previously Open: 52
Filed (each day): Mon: 17, Tues: 15, Wed: 5, Thurs: 7
Fixed (each day): Mon: 12, Tues: 3, Wed: 4, Thurs: 4
In Progress: 14 (including 3 tickets that each have a duplicate)
Remaining Open: 60 (7 tickets are the same DataSerializer registration bug)


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