I'm seeing lots of cache.tier.sockets dunit tests that have a setup method
which disconnectsAllFromDS() and then sleeps for 5 or 10 seconds before
continuing. Is there a valid reason for these tests to sleep at that point?
And if I were to change this to use Awaitility what condition would I need
to check for? In other words, why are they sleeping?

public RegisterInterestKeysDUnitTest(String name) {

public final void postSetUp() throws Exception {

  final Host host = Host.getHost(0);
  //Server1 VM
  server1 = host.getVM(0);

  //Server2 VM
  server2 = host.getVM(1);

  //Client 1 VM
  client1 = host.getVM(2);

  //client 2 VM
  client2 = host.getVM(3);

  for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
    host.getVM(i).invoke(getClass(), "createImpl", null);


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