Yes we should definitely do this

Mike Stolz
Principal Engineer - Gemfire Product Manager
Mobile: 631-835-4771
On Aug 10, 2016 9:01 PM, "William Markito" <> wrote:

> As we move forward to 1.0 I'd like to propose creating JIRAS with the
> "experimental" label to capture everything we have that is classified as
> such.
> This would help users and projects consume Geode to consider those
> features properly and decide to add support (or not) to them as well.
> AFAIK this is the current list:
> Redis Adapter
> Spark Connector
> OQL Aggregates
> Lucene integration
> Auto Rebalancer
> Is there anything else ? Are any of these not considered experimental
> anymore ?
>  If by the time we get to 1.0 they're complete we'd remove be label
> obviously.
> Thoughts ?

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