
This seems to break the site build.

File...... file:/c:/dev/geronimo/
Element... maven:reactor
Line...... 180
Column.... 27
Unable to obtain goal [site] -- file:/C:/Documents and
:65: <ant:checkstyle> Unable to create a Checker: cannot initialize
module TreeWalker - Unable to instantiate JavadocStyle
Total time: 9 seconds
Finished at: Sun Jun 13 09:25:06 GMT-05:00 2004

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Jencks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2004 1:00 AM
> Subject: Checkstyle template -- feedback wanted
> (2nd try sending this, if the first really got through I apologize for
> the duplication)
> After actually looking at the Checkstyle report for the connector
> module, I noticed that it was complaining about several things the
> Geronimo team and I in particular seem to regard as good coding
> practices.  Therefore I set up a customized geronimo_checks.xml in etc
> and pointed to it in global.properties.
> My changes consist of:
> --allowing lines up to 120 characters.
> --allowing "hiding variables" in constructor arguments and setters.
> --disabling the "design for extension" check.
> The reference for what can be checked is here:
> http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/config.html#treewalkerchecks
> I'd appreciate any comments/complaints/suggestions.
> Another check we might want to consider the impact of is
> FinalLocalVariable
> This appeared to be on in the default template, although I don't see
> the configuration in my copy.
> Thanks,
> David Jencks

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