Before we jump off the cliff here, just how long do the stress tests currently take? I don't think it is a significant fraction of the build time. I recall trying this idea of isolating stress tests in jboss builds and it turned into a real mess. Noone likes maintaining the test system, lets keep it as simple as possible. I think setting up damage control would be more useful.

Also I have set up all the projects we are collectively involved in in a single build environment
(tranql, howl, geronimo, openejb, activemq). I suggest we set up something like this to be run by dc.

david jencks
On Aug 3, 2004, at 9:10 AM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

On Aug 3, 2004, at 7:41 AM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:

1) There is a maven build flag that lets builds complete, regardless of
the tests' completion status. IMHO, if something breaks for them, then
something is broken for their configuration and they should know about
it; this is the raison d'etre of unit tests. People who cannot handle
this should be directed to pre-built jars, though I suspect that most
responsible shops will run the unit tests on their target platforms.

However, if it takes a long time, then this is a different matter; I
like David Jenks' idea of running smaller, quicker, tests.

Although that is an good idea, I think the implementation is much more difficult. Until we have parameterized stress tests, I'd say the best plan is to isolate stress tests and only run them during the nightly build.


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