Hey Dims, you missed the right list again :)


On Nov 3, 2004, at 10:22 AM, Davanum Srinivas wrote:

Dear PMC Members,

After talking to Geir and others, i've decided to let the VOTE run its
course regardless of the outcome. Here's the current status with some
of the comments.

[+1] Geir Magnusson Jr. ("I'm all for him being a committer as long as
he directly gets some guidance and mentorship")
[+1] David Blevins ("I've emailed him online, offline and have chatted
a bit with him over the last couple days.  I'm pretty impressed by his
character and know that he'd be a better  coder if we didn't let him
go so long without any feedback.")
[-0] Aaron Mulder ("I don't really know Srinath.  For whatever reason,
I haven't gotten a feel for him or his code yet.  I don't want to
discourage him from participating or working on the project, but I
would like to have a better sense of somebody before voting to make
them a committer.")
[+1] David Jencks ("I was, frankly, somewhat worried by the
differences between Srinath's contributions and the "geronimo way" (or
design patterns) that pretty much all of us have been following.  I
too was very impressed with his willingness to change his code to work
with the rest of geronimo.  I think we need to work with him to make
sure he understands some of the architecture, and I think he is eager
to do this.")
[+1] Alan Cabrera ("He seems like a team player and has an Apache
frame of mind.")
[+1] Bruce Snyder ("I think that Srinath's open-mindedness is exactly
what we need on the
Geronimo team. I think he will be a good addition to the team")
[+1] Gianny Damour ("the fact that he is still contributing after so
many months of hard
work is a very good indicator of his will to help with the
implementation of the EWS specs, the fact that he is already a ws-axis
committer indicates that he has been able to find a place within this
community/project; and, the fact that he has taken so positively  the
code review tells me that he is good-natured.")
[+1] Jacek Laskowski ("Although I only remember Srinath's work as
causing the builds to be broken (it's sad, but that's exactly what I
remembered), I'm happy to have him onboard. If Axis community have
decided to give him the commit privileges I think he knows what ASF is
all about and together we'll build the best application server.
Actually, I could learn a lot as a Geronimo committer, so why couldn't
he learn it, too :) ")

Rest of you....Please VOTE.


PS: Geir, please clarify meaning of "-0" vs "-1" and duration of the VOTE

On Mon, 1 Nov 2004 12:50:22 -0500, Davanum Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am sorry i raised so much dirt over this...Am recalling the VOTE about
srinath. If anyone wants to raise it in the future. that's fine by me.
If not, that's fine by me too.


Davanum Srinivas - http://webservices.apache.org/~dims/

Davanum Srinivas - http://webservices.apache.org/~dims/

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