On 8/11/2004 8:19 AM, David Jencks wrote:

I'm not exactly ready to vote -1, but I think we should resolve these issues before M3:

1. http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-386 Make cmp work with derby. Prove it with the itests

I had a look to this one. I have committed a partial implementation and switched itests to Derby.

As far as I know, these CMP EJBs are not portable as they are using an auto-generated primary key by the DB. In other words, additional vendor specific configurations are to be provided to map them to such a table.

The identity of these EJBs have been declared as auto-generated by the GBean AutoIncrementTablePrimaryKeyGeneratorWrapper. This latter uses JDBC3.0 to return auto-generated table primary keys.

More accurately, it inserts a dummy record into the entity table via "INSERT INTO entity (first_name) VALUES ('MOCK')" and retrieves the auto-generated primary key. This works; yet I will revisit the implementation to get ride of this query to be manually specified.


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