One of the first things I am going to take on in integrating Tomcat is the Geronimo JAAS integration.

So...I wanted to bounce a few questions off you guys, and with being a new comer to the Geronimo project, I am probably going to ask a few n00b Geronimo questions, so I apologize in advance.

The JAAS integration looks pretty simple as I need to set the variable to look at a login config file and use the Tomcat JAASRealm plugin declaration with the Geronimo security.

I have written some unit tests and am trying to fire up Tomcat from these tests and am having a few problems. I am hopeful that if I get Tomcat running in my tests, I will be successful.

I took the unit tests from Jetty and altered them to work for Tomcat. Everything fires up except Tomcat. The error I am getting is it cannot find the server.xml. I am positive I am declaring the catalinahome, catalinabase, and catalinaconfig properly in the test. But its not finding it.


1) Perhaps, part of my problem may be that the unit tests are not looking in thier respective src and target directories for configuration and instead are looking in assembly. Is this correct? Do I need to be concerned with the assembly area when running tests?

2) For a full build and deploy, where would you recommend we store/set the property and where would we place our configuration files (i.e. login.config) when building for Geronimo?

3) I noticed the dependency on the endorsed dirs. Should the endorsed XML jars be included in a subdirectory somewhere in the Geronimo build?

Sorry in advance for the n00b questions and thanks in advance for the answers.


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