Dain reminded me how to get this jar into the openejb repo, so it is now generally available.

david jencks

On Dec 3, 2004, at 10:30 PM, David Jencks wrote:

In order to get jsps to work more simply, I've upgraded the jetty-deployer branch to use jasper 5.5.4. Although the regular jasper jars are available on ibiblio

(jasper-compiler-5.5.4.jar and jasper-runtime-5.5.4.jar), they seem to have repackaged the essential parts of the eclipse compiler into

jasper-compiler-jdt[-5.5.4].jar which is included in the tomcat 5.5.4 distro (without the version number) but is not on ibiblio.

Until someone figures out how to get this into an accessible repository anyone wishing to try this out will need to get it from the tomcat distro and rename it. It goes into your local maven repo under tomcat/jars.

The good news is that jsps seem to be working now with the new deployer.

david jencks

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