On Feb 2, 2005, at 8:04 AM, Mark wrote:

In my plan, I have:

1. In the reference for Contains, I have a name pattern for EJBs. However, I don't seem to be able to add a wildcard to represent any/all containers. I have tried various settings all result in either a Malformed exception or other.
2. I suspect that I shouldn't use ContainerIndex, but rather Containers.
3. I have also observed that when using ContainerIndex, the kernel is able to start my GBean since there is a valid object reference for ContainerIndex. I have seen messages on the console that indicate that the kernel is awaiting an object reference for ContainerIndex. This is probably due to the fact that I don't currently have an ejb deployed.

<gbean name="interop:type=AdapterManager,name=AdapterManager" class="org.apache.geronimo.interop.adapter.AdapterManagerGBean"/>

<gbean name="interop:type=NetworkService,name=RMIIIOP" class="org.openejb.server.StandardServiceStackGBean">
<attribute name="name">RMIIIOP</attribute>
<attribute name="port">9000</attribute>
<attribute name="address"></attribute>
<attribute name="allowHosts"></attribute>
<attribute name="priority">5</attribute>
<attribute name="threads">20</attribute>
<attribute name="logOnSuccess">HOST,NAME,THREADID,USERID</attribute>
<attribute name="logOnFailure">HOST,NAME</attribute>
<reference name="Server">interop:type=Server,name=RMIIIOP</reference>

<gbean name="interop:type=Server,name=RMIIIOP" class="org.apache.geronimo.interop.rmi.iiop.server.RmiIiopServerGBean">
<reference name="ContainerIndex">openejb:type=ContainerIndex</reference>
<reference name="Containers">openejb.server:EJBModule=ejbhw,*</reference>
<reference name="AdapterManager">interop: type=AdapterManager,name=AdapterManager</reference>

Most of this looks good, though I'd suspect as David mentions, you probably want your own collection of containers.

The ContainerIndex basically serves the function of indexing the containers by JNDI name and also assigning a number to each container so i can send that on the wire rather than the full JNDI name or ObjectName after the first call. It also makes looking up the container on subsequent calls a little faster.

You probably want something that allows you to quickly lookup a container using whatever unique ID the CORBA clients are sending you.


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