I did have second thoughts about doing this, but caved in to my own coding style as I spent more and more time in this module. I did a quick 'find . -name "*.java" | xargs grep ' _'' before I did it and found that a number of other packages use the _-begins-instance-field convention, so I figured that it was not an issue.

I guess I am mistaken :-(

OK, as soon as activity in my code dies down a little bit, i.e. I don't have to spend all my time reading it, I will reformat it according to the coding standards, but please allow me a little forbearance whilst I develop it.


Dain Sundstrom wrote:

On Feb 2, 2005, at 5:40 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

public class SPRConfigBuilder
implements ConfigurationBuilder
- protected static final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(SPRConfigBuilder.class);
- protected static final String defaultConfigPath="META-INF/spring.xml";
+ protected static final Log _log=LogFactory.getLog(SPRConfigBuilder.class);
+ protected static final String _defaultConfigPath="META-INF/spring.xml";

-  protected final Kernel     kernel;
-  protected final Repository repository;
-  protected final URI        defaultParentId;
+  protected final Kernel     _kernel;
+  protected final Repository _repository;
+  protected final URI        _defaultParentId;

SPRConfigBuilder(URI defaultParentId, Repository repository, Kernel kernel)
- this.kernel =kernel;
- this.repository =repository;
- this.defaultParentId=defaultParentId;
+ _kernel =kernel;
+ _repository =repository;
+ _defaultParentId=defaultParentId;

Jules, could you please update this code to follow our coding conventions. We don't use underscores, we don't align names in assignments, we put the access modifier, method decl and curly on the same line, and the variable should be private unless actually used by a subclass. For a good example:

http://svn.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/geronimo/trunk/modules/system/src/ java/org/apache/geronimo/system/serverinfo/ServerInfo.java? rev=124448&view=markup


-- "Open Source is a self-assembling organism. You dangle a piece of string into a super-saturated solution and a whole operating-system crystallises out around it."

* Jules Gosnell
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