On 4/02/2005 5:02 AM, David Jencks wrote:

1. tranql has 2 implementations, one using the thread context cl and one using a known classloader. These are both broken. However, tranql is required to build geronimo "modules" so I dont think we should have tranql require geronimo "modules" as well. Any ideas? Does the TCCL one actually need the TCCL?

The TCCL one (SerializableConverter.TCCLObjectInputStream) can be replaced by one using the configurationClassLoader of the Configuration which has loaded it.

AFAIK, the one using a known ClassLoader (FieldMarshaller.MarshalledInputStream) can not be used "as is". Instead, a not yet existing ClassLoaderDelegate (similar to DataSourceDelegate and TransactionManagerDelegate) needs to be provided.

Regarding the correct implementation of the ObjecInputStream to support arrays and proxies, I assume that we will have to copy and paste the Geronimo helpers to TranQL.

Is that OK?


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