So, Guys,

I've given you a few days to look over the minimal kernel patch.

As I understood it we left the thread with two real options :

1) extend the kernel to allow acceptance of an existing object for proxying via GBeanInstance, rather than always constructing such objects itself.

2) submit a dynamically crafted class and required instance (as constructor arg for said class). when class is instantiated and injected result will be a proxy that is [largely] semantically identical to (1). We must be able to proxy non-interfaces and final methods.

To summarise the debate over the two options :

against (1), for (2)
understandable reticence to change the kernel
concern over the kernel losing explicit ownership of the life-cycle of the object that it is managing

for (1), against (2)
we are talking about an extension, not a backwardly incompatible change to the kernel
I have demonstrated that such an extension would have minimal footprint and implication
(2) does not restore lifecycle ownership to the kernel
(2) is complex, less efficient and will need to be repeated anywhere someone needs this fn-ality
(1) is simpler, more efficient and will only need to be done once

Finding a resolution to this is, IMHO, critical to the Spring integration. Otherwise I would let it go.

I had a very similar problem integrating two other well known pieces of open source some time ago. The host had a JMX kernel and the thing that I was embedding had internal MBeans with their own private lifecycles. I persuaded the powers-that-were to allow MBeans that were not managed by the kernel to be exposed via it. A change was made. The extension to the kernel was never rescinded. In fact, at least one other integration now makes use of it. It enabled embedded components to open themselves up to the services supplied by the kernel in a way that could not be done before...

I humbly await your judgement :-)


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