Thanks for the comments.  However...I highly invite the changing of my work.  This is a community project and I really can use the help.  The more people who find issues, then this is good.  It means people are playing around with this.  I want that people show some interest in this component.  So thanks for taking the time to comment on it.
Your ideas are great.  Update the Wiki!!!!  I emplore you to rush in!

Sent: Tuesday, May 10, 2005 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: More Tomcat Updates

A couple of comments on the Tomcat wiki to get your opinion, rather than me rushing in and changing your great work...

* It might be safer (for newbies) to have the example not specify configids as arguments when geronimo is started.  The reason being they may have deployed other configurations when previously running Geronimo, before they get around to setting up Tomcat. The current example also does not start org/apache/geronimo/RuntimeDeployer, which may cause some problems.   I have seen a few newbies caught out by this in the past.

Instead of:

    java -Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed -jar bin/server.jar org/apache/geronimo/Tomcat


    java -Djava.endorsed.dirs=lib/endorsed -jar bin/server.jar

   Start another shell and start the Tomcat configuration using the command:

        java -jar bin/deployer.jar --user system --password manager start org/apache/geronimo/Tomcat

* Instead of saying "NOTE: CATALINA_HOME environment variable is required to run Tomcat. It's set to var/catalina/ via the GBean attribute catalinaHome in j2ee-server-tomcat-plan.xml" would the following be clearer?:

NOTE: The CATALINA_HOME environment variable is not used by Tomcat when running inside Geronimo. The Catalina home directory is set to var/catalina/ via the GBean attribute catalinaHome in j2ee-server-tomcat-plan.xml"
* Could you explain how a module builder is selected when a web-app is deployed.  E.G. what happens if I have both a geronimo-jetty.xml and a geronimo-tomcat.xml file in the WEB-INF directory and both Jetty and Geronimo are configured.

* It might be worth showing the steps on how to disable Jetty and only have Tomcat.  I would imagine the majority of users would want to use one or the other, but not both.



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Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

09-May-2005 12:56 PM

Please respond to

Re: More Tomcat Updates

Ok...disregard the point on showing me the links to Tomcat and
deprecated min/maxProcessor.  The Tomcat SSL doc appears to be old...the
server.xml file that is included in the Tomcat 5.5.9 source contains the
thread versions.  I have made the and will commit the file shortly.

Thanks again for pointing this out.


Jeff Genender wrote:
>  > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi Jeff,
>> Great work!
> Thanks!
>> In your the example SSL configuration in
>> geronimo\modules\assembly\src\plan\j2ee-server-tomcat-plan.xml , the
>> connector attributes minProcessor and maxProcessor have been
>> deprecated (according to the Tomcat doco).  AFAICS, from reading the
>> Tomcat mailing list the maxThreads, minSpareThreads and
>> maxSpareThreads attributes should be used instead.
> I used the example setup from
> which
> appears to be the official documentation for Tomcat 5.5 SSL
> configuration.  I am more than happy to remove those parameters and use
> the threaded versions...if you can direct me to those new parameters and
> the Tomcat pages explaining that they should be used in lieu of the
> processor version (for 5.5.9).  Thanks for pointing this out.
>> FYI.. I haven't been able to find any links to
>> on the Wiki (maybe this was
>> intended at this stage).
> Are you talking about a link off the Front Page or other indexed
> location?  No it was not intentional at all.  I definately want the
> world to know its available for use.  It may be my own ignorance of the
> Wiki's setup, and perhaps there already is an index page...I would very
> much like to have the Tomcat Wiki description on an index of some form.
>  I am open to being educated on this subject ;-)  In the mean time, if
> anyone has a good location for the link, let me know or just go ahead
> and add it ;-)
> Jeff
>> John
>> Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/05/2005 02:20:08 PM:
>>  > I have finally implemented the Valve chains to the Tomcat integration
>>  > and finalized the context configuration.  I would suffice to say
>> Tomcat
>>  > is pretty much/mostly integrated into Geronimo (short of major
>> testing).
>>  >
>>  > The context configuration does not use the context.xml file, but uses
>>  > the geronimo-tomcat.xml file instead.  It is in this file that we
>> do the
>>  > similar type of setup as you would have in the Tomcat context.xml, but
>>  > you use gbeans instead.  You may set up context specific valves (in a
>>  > chain I might add) and set up a custom realm here as well.  This is
>>  > where you would use/declare the TomcatGeronimoRealm for JACC for your
>>  > context.
>>  >
>>  > I will be updating the wiki next with a full description/howto for
>> using
>>  > Tomcat in geronimo using the GBean configuration paradigm.  The
>> above is
>>  > just a quick summary.
>>  >
>>  > After I have completed this I will add on some periphery Tomcat GBean
>>  > wrapper objects for listeners, etc.
>>  >
>>  > I encourage folks to kick the tires and give it a spin.
>>  >
>>  > --
>>  > Jeff Genender
>>  >
>>  >

Jeff Genender

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