easy to get confused...

1. can you check that e.g. modules/connector-builder/target/xmlbeans is present and has source files in it.

2. Having built g. once, you should be able to run maven -o m:eclipse with no problems -- you already have all the dependencies downloaded. I wonder if you ran it first before building geronimo, so the xmlbeans directories weren't present yet? Try again and see what happens.

If you have irc installed hop on #geronimo at irc.freenode.net

david jencks

On Jun 7, 2005, at 7:38 AM, Rick McGuire wrote:

Well, it certainly added to the confusion! I believe I have successfully built geronimo first. I've been stepping through everything on the EclipseDeployment page one step at a time. Everything has seemed to work ok so far, except for the "maven -o m:eclipse" step, which gave me an error unless I left off the -o option. However, none of the modules appear to have xmlbeans as a checkable item (such as connector).


David Jencks wrote:

The xmlbeans code is generated during the build (into target/xmlbeans), and not every -builder module has any... so make sure you have built geronimo before trying this, and pick a module (such as connector) that does have generated xmlbeans code.

hope this helps
david jencks

On Jun 7, 2005, at 4:21 AM, Rick McGuire wrote:

I downloaded the most recent stable eclipse build, and the Configure Build Path menu option is now available. However, after I remove the hard coded path, the only check box items under target in the Add Folder dialog are class and test-classes. There's no xmlbeans entry to check. Are there some additional plug-ins that need to be installed for this to work?

Rick McGuire wrote:


I've been working my way through the eclipse directions, and I've hit a bit of a roadblock. I'm at the step where I need to remove the hardcoded build path entries from the various *-builder projects. Unfortunately, my version of eclipse 3.1 doesn't appear to have the "Configure Build Path" menu item on the pop up menu.


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