Joe Bohn wrote:

One final question I'll toss out (and possibly show my ignorance ... but at least I'll learn the answer :-) ) ... Aren't the applications that are deployed themselves represented by Gbeans in the bundle and therefore the bundle is already mutable in that sense? I read an article in JAX that indicated this was the case (,id,690,nodeid,147.html ). Is that correct or was the author mistaken?

I just read the article and Srinath focuses more on GBeans themselves than on the bundle mechanism.

There's a concept in Geronimo of a configuration bundle represented by an org.apache.geronimo.kernel.Configuration. What this represents is a collection of closely-coupled co-operating components that work together to provide a service.

The server runtime is built up by assembling multiple bundles together to provide a coherent set of services that support a given programming model such as J2EE.

In detail, a bundle comprises:
* a set of dependencies which define the codebase for the bundle
  These dependencies, including a parent, define the set of classes
  available to the bundle and are used to define a ClassLoader for it.
  There are limitations to what is currently implemented and some well
  known improvements that should be made.

* the set of components that are pre-wired to provide a specific service
  This is basically a list of GBeans based on their names and references
  between them

* the default state for all those service providers
  This is basically the initial attribute values for those beans

The bundle concept comes from recognizing that some services (like the HTTPS connector I described elsewhere) may be built up from multiple components. Users of the service don't want to know all the wiring details, they just want to deal with the service as a whole.

What any particular runtime is doing is determined by which bundles are running. So we run a J2EE server by having it run a set of bundles that provide a J2EE environment - System, Server, SystemDatabase, ... One problem that we have is that the Server bundle is monolithic providing too many services; for example, it includes the web container and now we have two different implementations of that service (Jetty and Tomcat) they should be broken out into separate bundles.

The runtime does not know anything about applications - all it deals with is how to run bundles (including setting up the environment a bundle needs to run (currently just its codebase dependencies)).

What the deployer does is convert application level artifacts such as an EAR file into a bundle that the runtime can handle. So using hints from the deployment plan, it takes that EAR file, constructs GBeans for the individual components that it contains (like Servlets or EJBs), wires them together and packages them all up as a bundle. When/where you want to run that application, we load the bundle into the appropriate server instance and start it up.

Each application running in the server is a separate bundle so we never mutate them.


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