Is there a build in a Maven repo?  Are we allowed to distribute it
as part of Geronimo, given that it's under the CDDL?


On Wed, 27 Jul 2005, Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> FYI.  Do not cross-post replies.
>       --- Noel
> -----Original Message-----
> From: A mailing list for discussion of the JavaMail(tm) API
> Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2005 14:28
> Subject: JavaMail and JAF available as Open Source!
> As we announced at JavaOne, Sun has released its J2EE (now called "Java EE")
> application server as an open source project on  The project is
> called GlassFish and you can find out more at
> GlassFish is available under the CDDL open source license.
> GlassFish contains JavaMail and JAF, so the source code for both is
> available under CDDL as well.  GlassFish currently contains JAF 1.1ea
> and a version of JavaMail slightly newer than 1.3.3ea.
> Right now, JavaMail and JAF are only built as part of a GlassFish build.
> Eventually I hope to improve the build system so that the standalone
> releases of JavaMail and JAF can be built from the GlassFish source
> base.  (Unfortunately, I have about 100 other more important things to
> do before I get to that.)
> Those of you looking for source code for debugging purposes, or with
> a need to improve JavaMail for your own use, should start with the
> GlassFish source.  You'll need to be a member and you'll
> need to accept the terms of the CDDL license, but note that CDDL is
> an OSI-approved Open Source license (it's the same license used by
> OpenSolaris, and a derivative of the Mozilla Public License) so you're
> free to use it in many ways that were previously restricted.
> If you make improvements to JavaMail or JAF, and would like give
> those improvements back to Sun (which you're not required to do),
> you'll need to sign a Sun Contributor Agreement so that we're sure
> you have to rights to give us what you're giving us.  (Signing the
> SCA once allows you to contribute to any Sun open source project,
> including GlassFish, OpenSolaris, NetBeans, etc.)
> Note that improvements to the JavaMail and JAF APIs (the javax.* APIs)
> need to be approved by the JCP.
> Enjoy the latest JavaMail and JAF source, and please be patient as
> we transition our build and release processes to
>         The JavaMail Team

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