On Sep 13, 2005, at 10:46 PM, John Sisson wrote:

Jeremy Boynes wrote:
Brett Porter wrote:
On 9/8/05, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For the old releases, once they appear in archive.apache.org<http://archive.apache.org>, you can probably delete them from www.apache.org <http://www.apache.org>(this will mean they aren't mirrored, but available from the archive).

Can I ask that you delete the M2 and M3 POMs from java-repository? They aren't independantly valid or useful and Maven's repository management has started to squawk. Recent versions of the Maven artifact deployment plugin will properly resolve the variables in them to make them useful for future releases.

Does anyone mind if I do this? Other than redeploying those releases using a newer version of the artifact plugin that resolves the entities and parent poms, I don't see an easy way to get these corrected.

IMO, delete away - M2 and M3 are so old now they are not really relevant and should be removed.

+1 - I don't think there is any need to keep them.

+1 me three

david jencks

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