This was an action item for me to get started, but here we go. :)

There are a few things I think we need to do.

First, we should get input from the Apache Public Relations Committee as to what guidelines they are enforcing for logos, if they have any.

Then I believe that we should

1) Have a deadline for any logo candidates (like a week...)

2) Based on the guidelines, winnow out any contributions that we wouldn't accept. I think anything is fair game as long as it would be in line with what the ASF allows.

3) Hold a vote on our logo - again, for a period of a week...


On Sep 21, 2005, at 1:39 PM, Jeff Genender wrote:

I am not sure about those votes...

We probably need to clean out the voting and start it on an official week,


What is the current state of the logo contest? Seems like its been open for a long time and I didn't see anything on the Wiki that indicated an end date. The reason I'm asking is that I need to replace some of the GIFs in DayTrader that were formerly the IBM logos and images with some new and cooler ones. One thing I'd like to do is ask for contributions
but it doesn't seem appropriate if e haven't figured out the contest
that we have open already.

If we need someone to lead the voting and process to bring that to
conclusion I volunteer to lead it with the PMC's permission so I can get
some other artwork in the pipeline.

The current results as of today are:

Number 6 is clearly out in the lead. I'm not sure hot the contest was structured but it looks like people have been voting has been going on all along but new entries have been coming in too so the folks who were
late to the party may have been a better choice had they been on the
list previously. I assume that the PMC will be taking that into account.

Votes    Entry
0    #18
2    #17
0    #16
0    #15
0    #14
0    #13
0    #12
18    #11
0    #10
1    #9
1    #8
2    #7
39    #6
0    #5
2    #4
4    #3
28    #2
1    #1

Is there an end date in mind for this activity?



Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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