On Sep 28, 2005, at 11:29 AM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

On 9/28/05, Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

GERONIMO-518 - Deploying Struts app fails on Logging ClassCastException

Aaron, looking at your latest comments this doesn't seems so easy to
solve. I wonder if we shouldn't add this to the "Significant Missing
Features" section of our release notes.

This is not a bug...I will probably close this out - unless others
object.  This has to do with the commons logging jar in the web app.

I think I object.  If we feel that commons logging is part of the
server implementation and cannot be redefined in the web app, then we
should add it to the list of packages we refuse to load from the web
app classloader (so if someone puts it in there, we'll just silently
ignore it).  It seems pretty obnoxious to take Struts WARs that work
perfectly well with other app servers and claim that it's the user's
fault that they blow up in Geronimo, you know?

And people wonder why I hate commons logging...



Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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