A few thoughts to share as people start voting:

1) I think it would be great to choose a logo that can be inverted
easily for dark backgrounds (e.g. the header of an administration
console), adjusted to various aspect ratios, shown on T-Shirts of
different colors, etc.

2) It's very useful to have a small detachable piece of the logo that
communicates identity all by itself without the full name (e.g. the G!
in 22, the G in 18/19, the circles in 2).  21 doesn't really have that.

3) I think simple has a lot more staying power than ornate, as long as
the logo looks clean and distinctive.  Don't want to get tired of it in
a year.

4) I like the G in entries 18 and 19, but don't care for the font.  I'm
going to throw my second choice that way on the assumption that specific
fonts can be tweaked later.

5) To that end, I think it would be great if the PMC chose 1 or 2 logos
and had the artists offer a few variants with different fonts, etc.
before making their final choice.  It would be a shame to reject
something worthy based on a small, easily changed detail.

6) When compiling results, I hope the PMC will note the similarity of
some of the options (e.g. 18 and 19) and consider their sum total of
votes as well as the individual totals


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