As far as I remember, with the 1.3 CTS there was signature tests that would allow testing "J2EE 1.3 Compatible" on a 1.4 VM. I have not seen the equivalent J2EE 1.4 tests, but there may be (or perhaps coming) a similar set of tests that allow a J2EE 1.4 compatibility test to complete on a Java 5 VM.

BTW, Java EE marketing has been pushing to use the term

    Java EE Compatible

Not certified, not compliant or other terms, but "compatible". I think it is fair to support this phrasing as we are part of this marketing effort of the Java EE brand.

Kresten Krab Thorup

"We do not inherit the Earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children." Saint Exupery

On Oct 27, 2005, at 12:43 PM, Jacek Laskowski wrote:

John Sisson wrote:

I think we should be supporting 1.4.2 (and 1.5) for a while, as many large enterprise systems are slow (like a year or two behind) to move to recent (1.5) versions of Java, for many reasons.

J2EE 1.4 requires Java 1.4 whereas Java EE 1.5 does Java 5 (the acronyms used in these forms intentionally). So, we can't simply say 'we should', but it's a must to be J2EE 1.4-compliant *and* certified.



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