
Earlier this month, I submitted my resignation as PMC Chair of the Apache Geronimo project. There are many reasons why I chose to do so, but given that we'd just achieved the major milestone of the certified J2EE 1.4 server with the M5 release, I felt that the timing was right.

I'm pleased to announce that on wednesday, the Apache Board accepted my resignation and has designated Ken Coar as the new PMC chair. Ken is a founder of the ASF, currently a director, and has broad experience here at the ASF and in other open source communities.

This is an administrative change and will have no impact on project progress or activity whatsoever. Personally, I'm not going anywhere :) and am still interested in all areas of this project. In the future, I may be working at a reduced energy level on some aspects, but with the addition of Ken's participation, this is a net gain for the project.

As a community, we have achieved an incredible amount over the last two years, and I'm very proud of having the opportunity to help us get where we are. We undertook a momentous task back in August 2003 and it's a credit to all involved that we completed it so quickly. It's been an interesting project to this point, and I look forward to what our future brings. J2EE 1.4 clearly isn't the final chapter in enterprise middleware, and this project is in a great position to take on whatever comes next.

But that's next.  For now, on to Apache Geronimo 1.0 :)


P.S. Although Ken goes by the name of "Rodent of Unusual Size", I don't expect that you should call him "Rodent"....

Geir Magnusson Jr                                  +1-203-665-6437

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