Dustin Little wrote:
Has anyone begun work on integration and tooling for Netbeans IDE?

I had once developed some Geronimo support and before it had been submitted to the serverplugins module of NetBeans IDE, I unexpectedly wiped out all of the sources. You can't even imagine what happened afterwards. It was just before NetBeans IDE 4.2 went public.

If you wanted to start it again, I could help you with the API. It is not that hard as it seems. I even think it is much easier than as you had to do it in Eclipse (sorry Sachin ;)).

Please, please do it. Although it has a little chance to be included in NB 5.0, it could be distributed as NBM.

The question I could not answer myself was when the development should take place - here in Geronimo or serverplugins project? If it's part of serverplugins module, it would be distributed along with weblogic, jboss and websphere modules. Otherwise, people had to download it separately. What do you and others think?


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