On 12/2/05, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was applying GERONIMO-1227 from Toby and it occurred to me that we
> may want to simply merge WritableRepository into the Repository
> interface and add a "boolean canWrite()" method to the interface.
> Then the console could just scan for all repositories and allow the
> user a choice of which writable one to upload to.
> What do you think?

I'm not so sure about the patch for this.  I'd almost rather see a
separate repository implementation that was read-only rather than
impementing WritableRepository on a file system that can't write.  I
would be fine with your recommendation, but I'm not too happy with
having a read-only WriteableRepository for 1.0.  Think there's
anything we can do in the short term?


> BTW this would be for 1.1.
> -dain

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