Ok then based on this...

I hope that this group takes into the account of all votes, including those that use the app server, our community and users. If we cannot be neutral, then minimally we should let the users decide what they want as a default container. If everyone wants Jetty as a default, then I am behind it. But if a majority want Tomcat, lets give the community what they want.

A vote was put out...lets see what our users want.


John Sisson wrote:
I have changed my mind, please ignore my previous vote.

My vote is now:

[ X ] Make Jetty the default Web Container install selection

My initial concerns were with users not familiar with Jetty (e.g. Tomcat users) and the lack of Geronimo documentation on Jetty. I chatted to Greg W on IRC and he said he will improve the documentation. I have raised JIRAs GERONIMO-1314 and GERONIMO-1315.

Thinking about it more, those who already use Tomcat in other projects are probably going to click Tomcat if they don't go to the trouble of looking into Jetty.

I agree with Aaron that we should make it clear in the documentation that it is only a default to simplify the install process and either container can be used and both are supported.


Erik Daughtrey wrote:

The installer should make either Tomcat or Jetty the default selection. The operator can always override and select the other. Vote:

[  ] Make Tomcat the default web container install selection

We may run out of time before the votes can be tallied. For that reason, I'm making the default Jetty unless someone can provide a good reason why it shouldn't be.

FYI - it's been decided that installation of both web containers via the installer will not be allowed. Manual configuration of both is possible though.

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