
I'd gladly activate it again, but people explicitly asked me to remove it a while ago. Is everyone ok with me enabling it again?

Best regards,


On 7-jan-06, at 19:36, Jacek Laskowski wrote:

2006/1/5, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Does anybody know who initially setup the IRC archive and/or how to get it back again? It looks like somebody with id "bevinbot" set it up ... similar enough to make me wonder if it was Blevins but different enough so that I can't be sure. I'd be glad to help get this working again if I can get some pointers. It's been down for nearly 2 months now and I
really miss it.

Hi Joe,

It was gbevin who installed it for us. He's the author of Drone
(http://drone.codehaus.org/) - the IRC bot.

I included him on the copy of the email so chances are he sets it up
again for us.



Geert Bevin                       Uwyn bvba
"Use what you need"               Avenue de Scailmont 34
http://www.uwyn.com               7170 Manage, Belgium
gbevin[remove] at uwyn dot com    Tel +32 64 84 80 03

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