I've made some progress on this and it seems to work OK for basic j2ee
deployments, except for the problem below.  It's not pretty but it
does what I need for the time being.  If anyone else is interested in
this I could clean it up and post it to the list, and if anyone's got
a tip about the problem below I'd be mucho grateful.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2006 at 02:01:08PM -0500, toby cabot wrote:
> It's all good until the code reaches the SwitchingModuleBuilder, which
> is configured by default to deploy to Tomcat, so since I'm using Jetty
> it fails to find a builder and I get "foo.war is not a war" messages.
> It looks as if SwitchingModuleBuilder's defaultNamespace is overridden
> in assemblies/j2ee-jetty-server's config.xml, but I'm not clear on how
> to override this parameter when I'm in a command-line environment.
> I'm not even clear on how this gets overridden when the plugin is run
> in a configs/*-jetty directory.  Pointers appreciated.


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