Any clue on the required config to get the rar deployed?

I'm trying to convert this URL to the params for the RAR:


Unfortunately the Oracle XA RAR does not take a URL, but wants granular configuration. Some obvious stuff I get (like the port number), but what to use for protocol and type, etc have me scratching my head.

I also looked for the Javadocs for oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource with no luck to see what properties it exposed. The only docs I can find are to expose the XAResource, but there must be more since the TranQL RAR is calling some of them.

Any ideas?


On Feb 3, 2006, at 5:44 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

I think David means that it has not been extensively tested and so there are no gurantees that you'll simply be able to drop it in. I'm currently working on a DB2 XA RAR and am still working out some kinks. It should work well, we're just not sure its been testd enough to know that it does.

I looked on CodeHaus and it appears that Jeremy had not previous released a SNAPSHOT. I compiled the connector this morning against the Oracle classes12.jar.

I've published it and it is called tranql/rars/tranql-connector- oracle-xa-1.0-SNAPSHOT.rar

If someone can try this out then that would be excellent. I have only compiled it and not tested it so caveat emptor.

lichtner wrote:
On Fri, 3 Feb 2006, David Jencks wrote:
It is likely to work if you build it.  However I don't know that it
has been used in the last year or more, so I won't make any
promises.  Matt might have tried it, I don't know.  We have been a
bit reluctant to publish it without more evidence that it works well.
Why would it not work well? When I was in my last job I remember getting that rar to work with mysql xa, so it probably also works with Oracle xa.

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