I don't think it's all that useful to print 3+ URLs for each web app. Plus, we don't have the space in the startup output.

Are you saying the customer has multiple HTTP connectors and it's
random which one of those is selected?

Is there any suggested logic for picking one?  We could, for example,
always pick the lowest port -- it would beat "random" if only by a


On 5/9/06, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

During Geronimo startup we print out all of the URLs for the web
applications that are started.   For example:

   Web Applications:

I'm working with the customer that is creating multiple connectors.
They are questioning why the URLs only display for one of the connectors
(and it appears to be random which connector is used).

Is there a reason that we don't show the context path listed under each
possible connector?

StartupMonitorUtil currently queries each web module GBean for a
"URLFor" attribute which is implemented in either TomcatWebAppContext or
  JettyWebAppContext depending upon the container.  In that code we
currently prefer to return the first connector that supports the HTTP
protocol.  If none are present we then prefer the HTTPS and finally AJP.
  However, we only return one URL for this query.

Would it be helpful if I add a new collection attribute (URLsFor?) and
query this attribute during startup so that we can print all possible
URLs for the application or do you think this would be confusing?


Joe Bohn
joe.bohn at earthlink.net

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot
lose."   -- Jim Elliot

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