On 6/7/06, David Jencks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I've uploaded


incorporating most of your comments, see below.

Will take a look at it real soon. More below.

david jencks
You want me to lie :-) ? I don't think anyone has ever used the in-vm
startServer command in the m1 plugin, so I doubt prasad has tested
this one either.  I still think its worth including as a starting
point in case some one wants to try it out.

Ah, it's a comment to let others know it's untested. Wouldn't it be
better adding TODO or FIXME so there's no doubt about it?

These are basically copies + modifications of the m1 deployment
plugin, copyright 2004.  I don't know if any changes happened in
2005, but 2004 and 2006 are definitely needed.

Well, I'm not a lawer so can't elaborate more on it. I can live with it ;-)

They should all have the @version, but only mojos should have the
@goal in order to not confuse maven.  I've fixed the @version tags as
well as I can find them.

Correct. That was my understanding.

> 5/ geronimo-deployment-plugin/pom.xml has no ASF license header.
fixed.  I think its better to include  the asf license in the source
even if maven removes it during processing.

Correct. No matter how tools will work with the sources they need to
be copyrighted appropriately.

> It doesn't count, though ;-)

Why not?  Because I edited prasad's patch for formatting and removed
unused cruft?  Ken's directive requires 3 +1 votes from committers
other than the proposer (who apparently does not need to be a
committer): although the document he appears to have adapted states
only PMC member votes count, that is not in his directive.  Since he
hasn't responded to requests for clarification I think we have to
take him at his word.

The proposer (!= the author) == DJ nor Prasad => DJ may not vote for
it. Is that correct?

david jencks


Jacek Laskowski

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