On 6/7/06, Joshua Slive <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 6/6/06, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Joshua Slive wrote:
> > So you not only have your build process tied to apache infrastructure
> > in a non-scalable way
> Is this the issue with Maven not handling redirects, or something else?

It is the fact that builds of geronimo must download artifacts from
people.apache.org.  We have worked very hard with other projects to
make sure that all downloads point to the mirror system.  Otherwise,
our bandwidth requirements would be many times what they currently
are.  geronimo is circumventing this system.

To sound a bit like a Hollywood movie....

With respect sir, please direct the Maven ire to the Maven developers
and not the Maven users. We're blaming the messenger by complaining at
Matt for having helped figure out the problem.

Then I think I get arrested for court-martial, however the courtroom
scene is then be cut from the movie as the editors realise I'm a
two-bit character without the depth to bond with the viewers.

We do need to sort out our repository management though. I'm not sure
it's something that we should unleash on the ASF mirrors - the Maven
repository is not something you delete old versions from and it'd be a
big increase in their diskspace. Hopefully you should see more
discussion on repository about it, Stefano's encouraging the list to
think about getting all of this under some control.


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