I'll create a separate JIRA task to provide more information, since information for the other books do not detail the version numbers they are applicable to. You are correct, RTC isn't needed for documentation. Sorry for the inconvenience.


David Jencks wrote:

I didn't think documentation changes required voting.

I wonder if it would be reasonable to indicate which version(s) of geronimo a book is primarily focussed on?

david jencks

On Jun 14, 2006, at 8:49 PM, John Sisson wrote:

A request was sent to the PMC to add a book to the website. I have created a patch for this and tested the changes.

See http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-2122 for details and patch for for site\trunk and site\branches\may2006.

Here's my +1, can I get 3 more?



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