         The problem we are facing regarding adapters is because the binding gbeans were added to the naming module of geronimo. We are planning to change this by creating a separate module for global jndi and then adding it as a dependency in the configuration that is getting deployed. This will be done in the builders.  All the reference creation logic can also be moved to the gbeans.The Binding GBeans will then have access to application level classes as they will be loaded in the app class loader.  We hope this approach will solve the current problem.  We will post the code again after making these changes. 


On 6/28/06, Krishnakumar B <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We have created  a JIRA
(http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/GERONIMO-2153  ) and attached
the initial draft. We have tried two approaches.

* Adding to plan
* Deploying from Builder.

The EJBJNDIBindingGBean deploys from OpenEJBModuleBuilder and has a tag
  <global-jndi/> in opene ejb plan.

Resource Adapter and GBean have a gbean plan added to deployment plan.

<gbean name="JMSQueueFactoryJNDIBindingGBean"
<attribute name="configId">test/jms.rar/1.0/rar</attribute>
<attribute name="jndiName">globalJMSQueueFactory</attribute>
<attribute name="componentName">JMSQueueFactory</attribute>
<attribute name="j2eeType">JCAManagedConnectionFactory</attribute>
<attribute name="interfaceName">org.apache.geronimo.jms.connector.JMSQueueConnectionFactory</attribute>


<gbean name="TestGBeanJNDIBindingGBean"
<attribute name="configId">test/gbean/1.0/car</attribute>
<attribute name="jndiName">globalTestGBean</attribute>
<attribute name="componentName">TestGBean</attribute>
<attribute name="j2eeType">GBean</attribute>
<attribute name="className">gbean.test.TestGBean</attribute>

We have a Classloading issue when trying to maintain all the
BindingGbeans at one level. ( rmi-naming ). For GBeans and Resource
Adapters that are not J2EE interfaces like javax.sql.DataSource /
javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory we get a ClassNotFound as the class
is not available at Classloader of rmi-naming.

We spent a lot of time trying to solve this issue but are not able to
find a solution as the application level interface or class is not
available. This problem will not occur for j2ee interfaces like
DataSource, EJB interfaces, Queue, Topic etc..

If the approach is correct we would like to add the other features to
make this more suitable for adding into the product.

Krishnakumar B

On 6/26/06, Jacek Laskowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/23/06, Krishnakumar B < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The plan needs to have some XML Tag to say this resource needs to gets
> > into Global JNDI and the builder can then add it to geronimo: Context.
> > This is not implemented yet. Currently if we deploy a connector it
> > gets in global jndi.
> I might've misunderstood it, but isn't Global JNDI == geronimo:
> context == global: context? If so, why is this copying from Global
> JNDI to the geronimo: namespace?
> Looking forward to seeing your patch for it. Just as Guillaume
> suggested, please create an JIRA issue and attach the patch to it.
> > Krishnakumar B
> Jacek
> --
> Jacek Laskowski
> http://www.laskowski.net.pl

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