Hi Greg,

Thanks for the ping.  Let me see what I can get together...


Greg Wilkins wrote:
> Jeff,
> this suggestion is probably too late....  
> but given the deficiencies of dialin, would it be possible for you to post a 
> short
> summary of where your work with clustering is at?
> Is there a page on the(a?) wiki about the approach you are taking?
> I can see the tomcat clustering page
>   http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDOC11/clustering.html
> and the overview page
>   http://cwiki.apache.org/GMOxDOC10/clustering.html
> but nothing on kluster or the session API
> cheers
> Jeff Genender wrote:> 
>> Jules Gosnell wrote:
>>> Guys,
>>> Covalent had to commit to a time - we went for 6:00pm on thursday.
>>> I realise that this may be a little earlier than some of you were hoping
>>> for, but it was the best we could do at short notice - sorry.
>>> One further problem. We were not able to organise conferencing
>>> facilities. If anyone thinks that they can work around this, perhaps via
>>> skype or something, I would be happy to try to set something up - Has
>>> anyone run a skype conference with 4 or 5 participants before ? Would
>>> you like us to try?
>> Well, thats ok...thanks for giving a shot.
>> I would ask that we bring as much to the lists afterwards as there are
>> others who have/are doing considerable work in the clustering area and
>> are not able to be there.  It would be nice to be engaged in
>> discussions.  Thanks again for trying.
>>> Jules
>>>> Jules Gosnell wrote:
>>>>> Matt Hogstrom wrote:
>>>>>> I was planning on attending the CeltiXFire BOF at 2100 Dublin time. 
>>>>>> 2200 is good from my perspective.
>>>>> That's a little later than I was hoping for - my worry would be that
>>>>> people who might otherwise be there will have packed up and gone home
>>>>> by then.
>>>>> I would rather a slot somewhere between 6:00pm and 9:00pm...
>>>>> How does that sound ?
>>>>> Jules
>>>>>> Dain Sundstrom wrote:
>>>>>>> Evening you time would be best for me.  It looks like there is an 8
>>>>>>> hour time diff between Dublin and California, so anything after 6pm
>>>>>>> your time would be good for me (10am here).  I can go maybe an hour
>>>>>>> earlier, but then I will be sleepy.
>>>>>>> -dain
>>>>>>> On Jun 27, 2006, at 1:31 PM, Jules Gosnell wrote:
>>>>>>>> Jeff Genender wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Jules Gosnell wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Dain Sundstrom wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Are you going to provide a call in line so people not at the
>>>>>>>>>>> conference can participate?
>>>>>>>>>> I'll look into it.
>>>>>>>>>> Would anyone be interested in using such a feature ?
>>>>>>>>> I would likely be interested too depending on time.
>>>>>>>> OK, Jeff - so are there any windows on thurs aft/eve (dublin time)
>>>>>>>> which would not suit you ? Let us know, so that we can avoid them.
>>>>>>>> Jules
>>>>>>>>>> Jules
>>>>>>>>>>> -dain
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 27, 2006, at 10:48 AM, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Jules Gosnell wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matt - I don't think that the problem was with sponsorship,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but  rather
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> exclusion... (maybe I've misunderstood something?). Covalent
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> are simply
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> providing a room and beer. The invitation is open to the entire
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> community and you will be driving the meeting.
>>>>>>>>>> That should be cool.  Firstly, it has been announced here in the
>>>>>>>>>> public list.  Secondly, you should consider putting up a few
>>>>>>>>>> notice signs around ApacheCon to catch interested people who
>>>>>>>>>> didn't see this.
>>>>>>>>>> Yes, exclusion and lack of openness was the issue.  The sponsorship
>>>>>>>>>> was mud in the water.  By mentioning this here the issue is
>>>>>>>>>> rendered
>>>>>>>>>> nonexistent.
>>>>>>>>>> Of course, you need to post (here and on those paper notices) the
>>>>>>>>>> details, such as time and place, as soon as they're figured out.
>>>>>>>>>> Thanks, Jules.  And thanks for raising this, Matt, so it can be
>>>>>>>>>> clarified a bit.
>>>>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>>>>> #ken    P-)}
>>>>>>>>>> Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini  http://Ken.Coar.Org/
>>>>>>>>>> Author, developer, opinionist      http://Apache-Server.Com/
>>>>>>>>>> "Millennium hand and shrimp!"
>>>>>>>> --"Open Source is a self-assembling organism. You dangle a piece of
>>>>>>>> string into a super-saturated solution and a whole operating-system
>>>>>>>> crystallises out around it."
>>>>>>>> /**********************************
>>>>>>>>  * Jules Gosnell
>>>>>>>>  * Partner
>>>>>>>>  * Core Developers Network (Europe)
>>>>>>>>  *
>>>>>>>>  *    www.coredevelopers.net
>>>>>>>>  *
>>>>>>>>  * Open Source Training & Support.
>>>>>>>>  **********************************/

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