Do you have an simple example project that implements the build and use of the plugin in the same cycle that I can peek at?


On Jul 3, 2006, at 5:59 AM, anita kulshreshtha wrote:


--- Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

While this may work most of the time, it is not ideal as when
changes to plugins, users will be mystified when those changes are
not used on the first build.

   This is not true. The plugin is *not* used before it is built.
problem is that maven does not even start the build until it has
downloaded all the plugins. Even a dummy plugin would work.

Um... it is completely true.  I am aware that the plugin is not used

before it is built.

BUT the point that I was making was that Maven must resolve the
plugin before the build commences... that means that the plugin must

exist in a repository (or cache) already, and that is the version
that will be used for the current build cycle... NOT the plugin that

will be compiled and installed as part of the current build.

Therefor the current build will always use the version of the plugin

that was built BEFORE the build started, NOT the version that is
actually getting built.

     I ran a test. A totally bogus plugin will not work, but a plugin
with correctly defined component.xml will work. Maven indeed uses the
plugin that was built (see the message below). If we want to use
SNAPSHOT versions for the plugin, we can create a skeletal dummy plugin (s) and publish it. And the build will work like charm with just 'mvn'!
    If we want to use numbered versions like M1, we need multi step
build. Whenever the version is changed we will have to use 'mvn' more
than once to get a full build.


---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
[INFO] Building Geronimo Configuration for performing service
[INFO]    task-segment: [clean, install]
---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------
[INFO] Reloading plugin container for:
org.apache.geronimo.plugins:geronimo-packaging-plugin. The pl
ugin artifact has changed.
[INFO] [clean:clean]
[INFO] Deleting directory
[INFO] Deleting directory
D:\anita\geronimo\geronimo-1.2\configs\geronimo-gbean-deployer \target\clas
[INFO] Deleting directory
D:\anita\geronimo\geronimo-1.2\configs\geronimo-gbean-deployer \target\test

This is why I suggested that the plugin either be part of another
project (detached from the main build) or as part of a bootstrap
phase that is executed before the main build cycle.


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